Someone July 11, 2021 2:34 am

Yesss I love intersex ukes ლ(´ڡ`ლ) wish there was more like this (︶︿︶)=凸

Someone July 8, 2021 10:06 pm

Am I the only one who rolled their eyes and immediately lost so much interest once I saw the 2 girls? Especially them being so persistent in how he one shot the black rabbit.

Maybe I’m being bias because so many great mangas get ruined due to stupid annoying girls clinging to the mc but I’m already getting the vibe that the red haired girl is gonna be hella annoying. I’m just glad the mc declined joining their guild, I’d rather him solo, or make a guild with some friends and not a harem

    gemme yaoi July 12, 2021 9:47 am

    NO harem zone here... right lassies?
    #harem_mustdie ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Someone January 26, 2021 6:52 am

Up to chap 6 on the translators's website

You're welcome ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Someone December 25, 2020 7:48 am

It was good for a moment but was so fast paced and the events are so cliche it got cringy fast ╥﹏╥ why did she have to throw the table?! That event of ML going "oh no she hurt herself to protect me maybe she really doesn't have bad intentions" it's just all cringe. I was hoping it'd be good but can't have much expectations for Chinese Mangas i guess (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Someone November 3, 2020 9:29 am

I find her pretty annoying without any real talent(her golden finger cheat doesn't count) or merit or brains. It especially irritates me how much she thinks with her emotions and solely acts based on her said emotions.

Bttw just want to mentioned(rant) how much I eye rolled at the scene of her meeting up with abel when she was trying to run away with his heart. There was wayyyyy too much drama and tension in that scene with abel being like "tell me you didn't run away, say no..."
MC: *hesitates "u-um..." *stares nervously
Mob: "don't listen to her blah blah blah!!"
ML: "did you? just say no..."
MC: *continues to uwu nervously "......n-no....."
ML: "....alright, good enough for me"
MC: "I-i didn't run away!" *finally explains

Like tf? Why was it dragged out so many pages? Why was MC so damn hesitant? ML CLEARLY said he'd believe her if she said so but MC quieted up and acted so nervous and guilty??? It was so pointlessly stretched out, why didn't she just straight up explained as soon as abel showed up? If she wasn't the main character, she'd have died there.

OK last thing, just a note but anyone else feel MC doesn't belong in this type of webtoon? Cause like she is exactly the cliche highschool girl in a romance shoujo manga. Her personality just didn't really blend well with the other characters and the tone of the webtoon imo. It's too serious for her, she suits overly dramatic and lighthearted comedy. The switch between being serious to comedy in this webtoon is a rough transition to me?

    Someone November 3, 2020 9:34 am

    dropping this btw, the MC was too dumbed down, idk why, seemed like great character at the start. Weak FLs who rely on the ML is just irritating to read.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    CRMSNVictory November 3, 2020 9:06 pm

    I also found the MC annoying. When she was like "Nooo I have to go back!". *Sigh* ( ̄へ ̄) you dumb brat, ya just gonna get in the way. Dropped

Someone October 21, 2020 8:03 pm

M-my last few brain cells ( ̄∇ ̄")

Someone October 20, 2020 3:20 am

Anyone else kinda annoyed with the MC? So far I think she's kinda hypocritical? She not very determined in her goal imho. It's a classic cliche, MC reincarnated as a villaness swears she'll escape and run away from the story characters but befriends them all and falls in love with the story ML. I guess I just expected something different from MC so it was disappointing to find out she's the same as the other villainesses. There's nothing wrong with that storyline but maybe i'm just sick of it which is why I find MC not that great. The original villainess was treated badly by him, ignored, hated, and humiliated(bringing the FL to the ball when he'd ignored her invitations the whole time). I just wish the ML would be someone else! So it annoys me that MC is going to fall for him. She said she'd stay away from ML and writing a letter to anul their engagement was a good way to break it off(if you don't consider the consequences of her breaking off a political marriage without telling the king) but why accept the meeting with the ML? Doesn't she want to avoid him? Yeah you can say she has to meet him to anul it but why doesn't she make it clear to him that she's not interested in him at all? Despite her efforts to tell him she has someone else she loves, when he mentions marriage preparations she immediately gives up and allows him to continue thinking that this is just a tatic to earn his interest. Ok, that's fine she can ignore him and avoid him until he meets the story FL. But then why the heck would she ask him to find the necklace for her?? Again didn't she want to avoid him?? Instead she's now taking the initiative to reach out to him, owes him a favor, and has to continuously interact with him in the future. She can't avoid him anymore due to them now having a relationship. She has knowledge of the book plot, she can rethink through the details for info. She has power, she can order for ppl to look for the necklace. Her maid Marion seems capable, she can order for it to be done in secrecy. There's no reason to look for the ML. I don't get what's going through her head, why all these complicated plans? Why make things harder? She says she needs money to escape and to lay low. But she's not lacking money or power?? If she truly wants to avoid the characters, she has enough power as a princess. As for money, she has it, she can slowly transfer money to a safe place(after finding one) for her use. Maybe under the guise of buying jewels and dresses. The more she interacts with characters, build relationships, change story events, and get involved with the kingdom, the harder it'll be to run away

    Ken Yamari October 20, 2020 3:28 am

    The MC is a mary sue

    Someone October 20, 2020 3:50 am
    The MC is a mary sue Ken Yamari

    that's true ┗( T﹏T )┛tho at least she doesn't seem to be a complete mary sue

    Shiyai October 21, 2020 9:38 am

    That was a long rant. But yeah, I get what you're gonna say. But are you sure that jerk of a fiancee is the ML? If yes, I want to drop this as early as possible

    Someone October 21, 2020 6:43 pm
    That was a long rant. But yeah, I get what you're gonna say. But are you sure that jerk of a fiancee is the ML? If yes, I want to drop this as early as possible Shiyai

    SPOILERS about ML below

    but honestly rather than the ML i'm most bothered by her saying she wants to "separate" or "lay low and live in peace" like all those other villainesses but turns out like them and does the opposite. A failed expectation, I wanted MC to be different.
    Just found out the jerk isn't ML, it's the white haired kid MC saved. The jerk is gonna come visit MC soon and see the ML(white hair kid) and think that's who MC was talking about when she said she had someone she loved(her excuse she used)

    Naiya Chisaitori October 22, 2020 8:44 pm

    Well the necklace is for her safety though...If you didn't understand the story then what about you should reread the story again so you can understand it?BTW I'm just saying nor recommend you to reread it so you can understand it...

    Someone October 23, 2020 7:05 pm
    Well the necklace is for her safety though...If you didn't understand the story then what about you should reread the story again so you can understand it?BTW I'm just saying nor recommend you to reread it so y... Naiya Chisaitori

    ...I know the necklace is a safety net for her, what i was ranting about was that she should've tried to search for it herself, use her own means and her own people. Asking the duke should've been the last choice if she really wanted to sever their relationship and stay away from him. It's a contradictory action to her words. You can argue that she wanted to find it as quick as possible which is why she asked for help but she's honestly not in super need of it right now as the plot's events haven't started much yet. She also already knows some of the dangerous events and happenings, if she's smart she can completely avoid them. While staying away from the story main characters as events only circulate focusing the main characters.

    Naiya Chisaitori October 23, 2020 7:57 pm

    Ahh okay i see...BTW your explanation is way too long, are you okay?looks like you're stressed because you minding the complicated story...haha( ̄∇ ̄")

    Someone October 23, 2020 8:37 pm
    Ahh okay i see...BTW your explanation is way too long, are you okay?looks like you're stressed because you minding the complicated story...haha( ̄∇ ̄") Naiya Chisaitori

    (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Nah I just got frustrated by the story anddddd I just talk a lot (i tend to over explain)

    Lalala October 25, 2020 4:49 am

    I totally understand. I was kinda cringing

    helvetica October 25, 2020 4:59 am

    Well... I’m fine as long as she doesn’t end up with him and I’m glad he’s not the ml. I’ve read a lot of these at this point and I’m just looking forward to the future chapters and I’m interested in the fact that she’s gonna help the heroine(judging by the prologue) maybe it’ll be a situation where the heroine throws away that useless original ml and emerges as the queen(which the kingdom hasn’t had for a long time) with the help of the MC.

    MaChan October 25, 2020 5:18 am

    I KNOW RIGHT?! LIKE sigh* if only I could see the author ( ̄へ ̄)

    Secret October 25, 2020 6:53 am

    Everything you said is spot on. All of these villainess stories are all blending in together lol. The necklace part had me facepalimg wtf is she thinking xD.

Someone October 14, 2020 3:33 am

Fair warning, I've only read to chap 19 so the story may improve, i'll keep reading a bit more but just wanted to express my thoughts on it so far.

It's your cliche chinese manga, MC transmigrates into a martial arts world and his new body has average talent and is being bullied by some brats with connections. Real stereotypical setting, only props I could give it is that at least the author didn't outright say that MC's new body had trash talent and he seems to have loving parents from a big family in a city(tho being in the sect, his family practically counts for nothing rn). Then with the following events I kinda cringed, MC discovers he has a mystical couldren in his mind that helps him learn martial arts better(his cheat golden finger) that was originally a necklace he had before transmigrating. He right away breaks through a stage jumping from stage 3(forgot if he was early or late stage 3) to late stage 4. He also like not even 2 min later is able to master this 7 steps martial art(the body's original owner was only able to learn to the 6th step). So you can already see some of the MC's halo shinning with that. Not to mention, that 7 steps martial arts is supposedly one of the hardest yellow skill to master. The next sequence of events gets even more cliche with the MC going to the library to look for more skills and he bumps into the bully gang(the leader has a big bro who's an inside disciple and you can bet your ass that big bro is gonna be the next cannon fodder villain). Ofc they underestimate MC and pick a fight with him, it was so boring and predictable so I skipped the few chapters of their fight. Anyways MC wins the fight, can you guess who pops up next?.....An elderly old man with a white beard! He punishes the bullies making them hand over 300 crystals(forget what the manga called them) to MC. MC coincidentally barely has any crystals and he needs them to be able to trade for cultivational items. Now entering the library, MC ofc has to find an old thin martial arts book that no one ever looks at and finding out from the old man, it's called the mystic sword and was created by some sect elder who wanted everyone to have a chance to learn the skill(hence why MC can get the skill). It's a peak yellow skill that's powerful but is super hard and no one has learned it yet so everyone eventually gave it up, not wanting to waste time on it. MC gets it and guess what? 3 days, 3 days! That's all it took for MC to learn(not master) this supposedly hard skill. Like come on author! At least make him take a week to learn it.

Okay I went into a bit of a rant there but it's just annoying to me. Honestly like I said at the start, it's a medicore chinese manga about cultivation. It's not bad I guess but it's certainly not that good, there are tons that are better. It's just rlly cliche to me, so far there aren't any special twists nor is it all that unique. The world building so far isn't all that great either, the stages in the martial arts look rlly simple and I don't think all of it has been explained yet, so far only showing 10 stages in refining the body. The sect isn't rlly explained much and barely any details about the body's family. To be fair, this is a manga and sometimes lots of details are left out so idk if it has a novel which is better detailed.

It's kinda a waste of time reading this imho, it's ok if you're starting to get into chinese mangas or just killing time. But you shouldn't expect all that great of a story/plot, there's better novels and mangas out there with similar plotlines.

    Layla October 30, 2020 10:54 am

    Agreed! 100%... the only thing big about these characters are their egos, evrything else is minute including u know what :/

    Draeze January 14, 2021 9:06 am

    Thanks for your insight! i was actually hesitant on reading it because when i saw the art, i immediately knew that this was just your typical chinese manhwa/manhua. I didn't like dropping manhwas so i always read the comments before reading the actual manhwa/manhua.

Someone September 25, 2020 7:01 pm

Looks great, love the parody of the cliches in cultivation novels/mangas. It's highly lacking detail and background info tho since it jumps between scenes quickly without much description or explanation of why, what happened in between that time, and who the characters are.

But that's ok, it's not rlly a good manga due to that. Since there's a novel, i recommend just reading the novel and using the manga as a supplement for pictures.

Someone September 24, 2020 2:10 am

Is there a different translator? The recent chapters are so hard/confusing to read. Just seems like it's all MTL without rlly any editing to help it make sense. Why did the previous translator/group stop?

Kinda ruins the manga due to the bad translation. Hoping translations improve but if stays like this then i'll probably drop this manga even though I really loved it before ╥﹏╥

    Nyanko Sensei October 2, 2020 7:16 pm

    Same here. I didn’t understand any of the chapters. I have no idea what happened. ( ̄へ ̄)It’s hurting my brain.

    Mangalover7 October 3, 2020 9:22 pm

    I've read my fair share of bad translations and still got the hang of it but these translates have me confused too

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