I randomly saw this in the recently updated at just had to click. This anime was my childhood omg
My fave chapter of all time is when the mc was telling hatano all the adult things he’s interested in (to discourage him) and it was from hatanos pov and he just looked so cool. Like our mc is actually cool guys, we forget cuz we’re always in his head
I’ve been avoiding this yaoi for months but why did no one tell me this is actually 10/10 like it’s not even funny? And dooshik? I think I actually need him not even joking
Ppl like that police officer irritate me so bad like they acc get me mad. Wdym using violence as as a hero is wrong. wtf are you on about. Tell me exactly how you’d save those people without using violence. I wanna know so bad how she would have done it
Everyone’s talking about the 2nd couple so…. Skipping to them