I can read anything tbh, like my spite and pettiness control me, I legit need to read the entire book to form a proper authentic review . .
The one I can think of on the top of my head . . err . . Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life reply
I mean when I got first into reading manga/manwha, nothing was a stop sign. I think growing older, and getting my actual tastes set out resulted in my standards becoming a bit higher. Which allows me to just drop a book if the ick is high. 1 reply
You'd be surprised black/tanned men are actually an entire porn fetish and it's usually because they have 'bigger' cocks than white men. it's this huge thing, and it's a big thing in hentai too. Most mc's in there are also white so we can only assume that this is because the person writing the story fetishes this kind of thing.
Also, I'd love to ...... reply