kawaiigirl10123 April 2, 2017 2:32 am

Update? Does anyone have raws?

kawaiigirl10123 March 19, 2017 8:18 am

I wonder when the last few chapters will be translated...

kawaiigirl10123 March 18, 2017 8:55 am

Does anyone have the raws?

kawaiigirl10123 March 17, 2017 8:47 am

I am confused and disturbed that people think Maiko and Yui are "cool". There are limits for revenge. They need to tone it down. Why would you praise two people for breaking in a house, going through their stuff, raping the owner, taking a picture of the owner being raped, and even steeping as low as blackmailing them with it?! They basically broke the law! I know that this is a manga, but even people should know that rape isn't something you can praise. I'm a hypocrite for reading rape mangas, but even I feel disgusted at the act. Don't forget that they attacked Nii-chan when he was unarmed and he wasn't even approaching them! So don't you dare pull "well it's self defense and it's revenge". No! Bull shit. It sickens me that they didn't even regret or felt guilty for pushing Nii-chan over the edge. They knew he was already very broken, but they just had to push him to the point where he wanted to be 'normal' so desperately that he went to his 'mother'. I'm sorry for saying shit on a decent story, but Maiko and Yui really get on my nerves. Please don't praise them for making an unstable victim break. Fiction or not, do not praise people for breaking the law and taking revenge so low that they raped someone who was metally ill. It's not "cool".

    Madsop March 17, 2017 8:53 am

    It seems you may have forgotten nii Chan isn't the only victim In this story.

    Anonymous March 17, 2017 9:17 am

    I really hate maiko.. why does she hate niichan.. nichan was so young that time.. his innocent in my point of view...

    Im not talking about what he did to yui.. ok ...

    chic March 17, 2017 1:50 pm

    I actually respect nii-chan at the end he decided to be responsible and cut off the chain of pedo love-hate perpetrator-victim relationship.

    Madsop March 17, 2017 2:43 pm
    I really hate maiko.. why does she hate niichan.. nichan was so young that time.. his innocent in my point of view...Im not talking about what he did to yui.. ok ... @Anonymous

    Well he was innocent but it's simply her choice to hate the kid that took her father which never gave her the chance to know him.

kawaiigirl10123 March 17, 2017 8:28 am

Poor Nii-chan! Am I the only one who pities him? I mean, you can't completely blame him for becoming a pedophile. He was raped as a child. He is mentally unstable. Don't go back to Yui! If you do, you won't be 'normal'. This isn't love! It's lust and pity. Nii-chan should go get some professional help, not the help from that woman, and move away from Japan. Completely start from scratch. Yui should also get some help because, a sane person wouldn't act like him. He was nearly raped as a child. That did some damage to his mental stability. He should forget about Nii-chan and continue living a boring, 'normal' life. Maiko is another story. No ofference but I don't like her at all. She also needs help because, breaking into someone's house against their will, willingly to blackmail someone with a picture of them being raped, and making a plan to rape someone is totally not okay! She needs therapy and should go behind bars! Everyone needs some fucking help! Even Nii-chan's disgusting and homophobic mother should be taught a lesson or two! She freaking contributed in Nii-chan's suffering! Child abuse!

I'm sorry if I sounded like a bitch for ranting about these mentally unstable characters. It's just the last few chapters are utterly bull crap. I love Harada's mangas, but this manga is on a whole different level. This is MY opinion.

    merestranger March 17, 2017 10:59 pm

    what do you you expect, this is yaoi world, there is no author who depicted a real and seriousness of RAPE or SHOTA, like the after effect or trauma, they just romanticize everything and end it abruptly with Happy Ending bcause thats what the market wants. so you couldnt blame the reader for singing their praises.

    Honestly, I've been in a situation when I was likely going to be raped, I dont know if he has any intention to rape me but at that time I feel like a frozen prey in front of predators, thank God someone came, just remembering that night chills me to the bone and made me scared to go out for years, I locked myself in my room fear the danger of outside world.

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