she was ready to accept the marriage n even gave him a chance but he failed to turn up every damn time (maybe he had his own circumstances idk but still) idk why he didn’t introduce himself as a suitor to her upon their first meeting too therefore it’s his fault. girl was anxious n scared that her bro might go to war for her sake and with him not showing his face n giving her explanation even during the signing process feels more like ripping her away from her family n to be used as a mere tool for both countries. like u could definitely tell she was rlly up for the marriage BEFORE but not anymore since nobody fucking tried to explain their side of the story. n shut the fuck up for those who said bro’s trying to explain himself. yes he’s pitiful n doesn’t deserve the bad treatment but not a single sorry came out of his mouth, all he kept repeating is “what can i give u” what a way to rub salt in the wound. but then he rlly did bring her brother to her so a point for him ig