daToNeWEEB January 17, 2021 3:19 am

Charlize is a Mary Sue and so is the prince. So, if you don't like Mary Sue characters, stop reading it right now. It'd be better than complaining afterwards.

    Panda_x January 17, 2021 3:30 am

    Could you elaborate as to what a ‘Mary Sue’ character is?

    ChuChu January 17, 2021 3:34 am
    Could you elaborate as to what a ‘Mary Sue’ character is? Panda_x

    Mary Sues are basically female characters that have no flaws whatsoever.

    daToNeWEEB January 17, 2021 3:34 am
    Could you elaborate as to what a ‘Mary Sue’ character is? Panda_x

    Sure. It's basically an overpowered character.

    Panda_x January 17, 2021 3:35 am

    Thanks! Might be something I like then

    MangaFan January 17, 2021 3:51 am

    I would have to disagree with this comparison lol. Mary Sues (/Garu Stus) are characters that are literally so perfect that everything works out in their favor and they literally suffer from no true flaws. A good example (imo) is Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. In that case, the whole of the Sohmas instantly like her upon meeting her (aside from ONE of the Sohmas who is shunned from doing so and ofc the main antagonist who I honestly care for more lmao) and she can do no wrong despite having a flat, boring and plain personality. Everyone loves her, everything goes her way, and there's only a few brief fleeting moments where she shows complexity (the only noteworthy scene being Kyo's transformation scene but other than that she doesn't show much complexity). In the case of this manga, Charlize is actually competent and has reasons for being competent (as it's said that all her hard work built up over the years transferred to her 13 year old self). Is she a Mary Sue? No. Is she OP? Oh hell yes. But there's a legitimate reason for that (as per the prologue) that explains why she's so damn good at swords and why she can use magic (though atm it seems like this magic doesn't have much use except to strengthen herself and make her conscious of her surroundings which play parts in the plot ofc).

    Furthermore, Charlize has her limits: while she's good at getting people to like her through years of understanding social norms, she hits a wall at the 13th prince: a considerable point of conflict for her considering she can't just bat her eyes and he'd instantly open up to her the way a Mary Sue would have him do. She's also not infallible and is frankly human despite her OPness, faltering at the mother's kindness and struggling to understand the third prince (who she only knows one side of and is struggling to get him to open up that side to her, consoling herself by saying "time will cure it" when plenty of time has passed so far and he's still not there lmao.

    As for the prince, while we don't know much about him yet, I'd say he's nowhere near being a Gary Stu. He APPEARS to be perfect and all-knowing, especially considering we know his true personality and how cunning he is, pulling strings and all, but he's naive in that he can't figure out Charlize and is cautious towards her, hitting the same roadblock she is in getting himself to understand her. He can't just smile and get her to reveal all her secrets and, even if he's curious, he doesn't want to ask her because that would mean showing he's invested in knowing who she is. He's just as flawed as the protagonist is, cunning in how he hides his true self but, as Charlize points out, he's not perfect at it (such as when he frowns when his tea is spilled, revealing his feelings quite clearly instead of masking them as well as he should).

    If Charlize was a Mary Stu, the prince would've instantly opened up to her and already have fallen for her at this point in time (assuming he's the love interest, anyways). Her family would be begging to see her and apologizing for their wrongdoings, lavishing her with praise for their wrongdoings but are instead just confused that someone whose flattering attention on them suddenly stopped (which, I mean, if your best friend suddenly turned cold towards you one day without reason, wouldn't you feel the same?). Charlize would be able to find out who the assassin is from and enact revenge on that person and gotten the head librarian fired for annoying her, neither of which happened because she's still of low social standing and doesn't have much power (because that comes from progress and hard work lmao)

    The prince isn't a Gary Stu because in his case Charlize would've instantly fallen for him and given herself up to him, telling him all her secrets and confiding in him even though they've only known each other for a few moments. His two-faced facade isn't perfect right now, either, and it's clear that there's a disconnect from the mastermind of the future's past and the childish boy who is hiding himself to make himself less of a target to royalty. He is smart, but he's also still young and immature and that shows in how he loves his mother (a trait that can be a downfall in a battle for the throne, especially if someone understands that killing his mother can potentially break his spirits for the battle for the throne) as well as how he can't control his emotions all the time, making him still learning and growing (and, as Charlize points out, there's only so much time left before she can get him under her sway and she's trying to do it as fast as possible but as soon as his mother dies, there's a big suggestion her plans would fall into ruin because he'd close himself off to her). I will say though that his ability of jack of all trades is sus but he seems like a typical prodigy character trope so im more willing to be forgiving on this, especially since it seems like he's a fast learner and can use this to his advantage to manipulate those around him.

    Anyways I dislike when actually good characters are called Mary Sues so lol tldr they're not Mary Sues they're just stupidly OP w/ p much legitimate story reasons for being that way and flaws to boot. Also this story is at 12 chapters and we've just barely got started lmao. Just wait until the other princes show up and shit because then Charlize is going to have to hit more roadblocks that a Mary Sue could break through easily but she has to actually put some foresight into to pull off successfully

    daToNeWEEB January 17, 2021 4:01 am
    I would have to disagree with this comparison lol. Mary Sues (/Garu Stus) are characters that are literally so perfect that everything works out in their favor and they literally suffer from no true flaws. A go... MangaFan

    If you're reading this manhwa must mean you've read the novel beforehand. But by the last paragraph, it seems like you've not yet read the novel. If you've read the novel, you would've known how much of Mary Sue the duo is. I don't hate the duo whatsoever nor am I saying they are not good characters. I just wanted to point it out so the " Mary Sue hater's" wouldn't get triggered later. And yes, I'm aware of what a Mary Sue is and that is why I'm using it to describe the characters. In the future, everything will work on her favor. You'll understand what I mean later on or if you read the novel.

    daToNeWEEB January 17, 2021 4:02 am
    Thanks! Might be something I like then Panda_x

    Must be so. Mary Sue MC's are my guilty pleasure.

daToNeWEEB January 16, 2021 7:46 pm

About Asher and Aria's relationship further into the story : they don't have much misunderstanding since they c o m m u n i c a t e. Asher is obviously very sweet to Aria and her family too. Aria also tells him about her past life and her power, Asher had a rather positive reaction and was really understanding. Their relationship develops only to become sweeter (yuck). Asher is fine with Aria being an evil woman and with everything she does. Aria also loves him just as much. They have lots of sweet ass moments that'll make y'all feel fucking single. They even exchanged rings with Jewel's of the colour of their eyes (eww). Asher even kissed her in front of her freaking house!!! (DamN)

About Aria's mother : She divorces the count and then later gets together with the man she actually loves and who loves her as well. Her husband happens to be Aria's biological father and the Marquis of Croa.

Da villain's : they are executed, ofc.

    miss.r24 January 16, 2021 7:49 pm

    Thank you soooo much for the tea (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Daydreaming Cat January 16, 2021 7:59 pm


    Yato January 16, 2021 8:36 pm

    Can u pleaseeeee tell what chapter of the novel corresponds with the last manhwa chapter??? I SOO wany to read it now!And thanks for the spoilers

    EatMyNut69 January 16, 2021 8:38 pm

    Now this is a satisfying ending. Wish *cough, cough* other mangas should *cough* take note *cough*

    andromeda January 16, 2021 9:50 pm

    What a satisfying thing to read

    Ayi January 17, 2021 1:38 am
    Now this is a satisfying ending. Wish *cough, cough* other mangas should *cough* take note *cough* EatMyNut69

    Maybe this will add more to that satisfying ending:
    Isis and Miele will fight for the attention of Croa’s King. That part was hilarious.
    All the traitor nobels will be subjected to beheading except Miele’s fiance, he remained upright. But he was demoted into a commoner and later enter Ash’s academy.

    Aria married Ash, she became the princess and eventually, the empress. and because she was the mother of the empire, she strived to make things better for their citizens. She built a hospital that was supposedly for the commoners but because of its state of the art facilities, even nobels seek treatment there. She was well loved and was even labeled as the “real emperor” by the people.
    Her maids also got married, her scholar paperboy ended with her other maid and Annie with the business owner baron.
    It was implied that her and Ash were really healthy physically and intimately, the only thing that could have added is having children.. but overall it really has one of the best ending out there

    daToNeWEEB January 17, 2021 2:42 am
    Can u pleaseeeee tell what chapter of the novel corresponds with the last manhwa chapter??? I SOO wany to read it now!And thanks for the spoilers Yato

    Chapter 133 - 134

    Yato January 18, 2021 12:13 am
    Chapter 133 - 134 daToNeWEEB


daToNeWEEB January 16, 2021 12:04 pm

Y'all wouldn't have had a single complain if it was the ml who was older but since the FL is, y'all got some hell lot of complaints.

Take for example, Lucas. He's way, way, older than athanasia is but y'all do ship him fucking lot with her. I don't even remember anyone having any problem with it.

FL is like a mother ? In which way does their relationship look like that of a mother - son's ? Y'all can have your opinions but the nasty ones, can't you just keep them inside your head?

And comparing it to shits like grooming , pedophilia ? Are we reading the same thing or are all just some idiots?

If you don't like it , just drop it. As easy as that.

    fuck your toes January 16, 2021 12:17 pm

    lmao yess Lucas is a literal adult when he met Anastasia. That fandom confused me ╥﹏╥

    Lemme IN!! January 16, 2021 12:52 pm

    I'm ok if they end up together, but it'll be sad cause she's gonna see him old and dying (´;︵;`)

    Lichtvon January 16, 2021 12:52 pm

    Ikr. It's prejudice

daToNeWEEB January 14, 2021 4:21 am

I apologise if it's too much to ask but can anyone please update?

daToNeWEEB January 11, 2021 4:33 am

Ok, so, romance is not what you should be concerned about the most. This manga mainly focuses on the underrated and traditional Japanese card game, karuta. It focuses on her will to get better and win, to gain the top position. NOT her wanting to get in a relationship with one of her two childhood friends.

Let me just give you some insight on their relationship.

With arata, she respects him as someone who introduced her to karuta, which she now adores more than anything and as someone who she thinks is invincible. She admires him a lot to a point one would think she loves him.

With taichi, she thinks of him as a precious friend she doesn't want to lose anytime soon. She doesn't look up to him but instead, at her level.

This is it.

I am unaware of who chihaya is going to end up with since, chihaya has shown no sign of romantic affection to any one of them.

This comment of mine wasn't required but seeing many hate chihaya because of her rejecting taichi just angered me, I guess. It's not her fault if she doesn't love him in that way. She can reject someone who she is not in love with. Stop calling chihaya stupid, she might be dense and bit self centered but she has still got the right to not reciprocate someone's feelings if she can't return them.

Period! Bye.

    Amidah January 11, 2021 4:53 am

    THANK YOU for this accurate overview. It really annoys me how people think just because someone likes you, you are supposedly obligated to like them back or to return the feelings out of responsibility. Whatever she decides should be respected and there is a possibility that there won’t be an endgame and the focus will be on karuta which is what this manga is about initially and that is completely fine too.

    daToNeWEEB January 11, 2021 5:13 am
    THANK YOU for this accurate overview. It really annoys me how people think just because someone likes you, you are supposedly obligated to like them back or to return the feelings out of responsibility. Whateve... Amidah

    Yes , you're correct. There's a possibility of chihaya not ending up with anyone and the manga ending on a cliffhanger to let the reader's imagine what happens further. And honestly, I prefer that.

    Whaellienlonely123 January 16, 2021 11:03 pm
    THANK YOU for this accurate overview. It really annoys me how people think just because someone likes you, you are supposedly obligated to like them back or to return the feelings out of responsibility. Whateve... Amidah

    I agree with you 100% !!

daToNeWEEB December 25, 2020 4:32 pm


daToNeWEEB December 13, 2020 6:12 am

I utterly despise maryjun and how ignorant she is. She's the type to think they're the right one without thinking from other's perspective. I hate maryjun and reading the novel just made me hate her more.

    シオン December 13, 2020 4:40 pm

    but u gotta admit shes better than girls who act cute but inside they r actually a vixen

    daToNeWEEB December 13, 2020 6:18 pm
    but u gotta admit shes better than girls who act cute but inside they r actually a vixen シオン

    You're right!

daToNeWEEB December 2, 2020 6:29 pm

I literally screamed when darkness appeared and it's midnight here ahhhhh

daToNeWEEB November 30, 2020 6:39 pm

Why didn't I get the notification!?!?!?!?

daToNeWEEB November 25, 2020 7:34 pm

Gay....I love it

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