Just wanted to say that I saw the raws and it's cuteeeee. From the looks of it there won't be much ansty and melodramatic moments like how most abo 's have. Just a cute relaxing read.

I'm really sorry for replying late!!!

Sorry to you as well!!!

Faking a relationship , how is that funny? Knowing the other person is getting hurt, what good would that bring? Istg, the author's fantasize about the weirdest shits. And if it's just to get someone you like jealous then, I'm sorry but that's not the way to do it, sir.

dude, he obviously doesn't know the other guy likes him. until a week before, he thought his friend was homophobic because of his reactions. he's using the "let's try this place as a date spot so i can bring my lover" excuse to get closer to him. he's not trying to make him jealous either since how come he would know the guy like guys or even like him?? he just want to experience "dates" with him.

Why is many hating the flowery guy ??? I quite don't get why he's hated when he hasn't done anything yet ?

Angela gave him a love potion and thats why he acted like that to Jayna. But now that Angela knows about the crown Prince(since her goal is power and wealth she aimed for people high in status she tried to steal Jayna's fiancé)she will not bother to give the fiancé a love potion and will go straight for the crown Prince.The fiancé actually liked Jayna but cause of what Angela did she has no feelings for him and so he isn't the ML

The only thing I'm going to say is, Tess is shit. And the upcoming plot is too. That is, unless the artist decides to change it a bit for the better. It's like the author was high on drugs or possessed by something while writing the rest of the novel. Tch. It's all gonna go downhill. I should've never read this. This honestly had so much potential but it's all ruined now......oh how I wish this would magically change.....

tbh I think that the author just added unnecessary arcs for art like what was the whole point of the four year training with the Indrath clan and the asuras if he was just going to lose all of that the only thing that benefits him from the entire time he was training is his ability to use aether.
I used to think Tess was a good fl but that was before the whole reveal happened, she would of had a greater chance of getting her parents back if she just waited for bairon, virion, and art she’s literally the whole reason art almost died, sylvie is gone n know art is stuck on alcraya
That dude finally woke up. He did have a great sleep, I could only dream.