Well, will you all stop mentioning the age gap? Nothing romantic between them will happen now or atleast for quite a while until tita grows up so, will you stop? Please?
I get it that the age gap might be uncomfortable for some of you but stop mentioning it every fuckin chapter. We get it, okay? If you are that much bothered by the content, just drop it and read something else.
You all constantly mentioning your distaste for their future relationship is such a turn off for other readers.
Yeah, we get it that she raised tita but she literally sees him nothing more than a boy she raised and y'all acting like she groomed him? God, STOP, please.
: )

Why do you care so much about people warning other readers about the grooming and pedo relationship lmao. If people don’t want to read it bc of that then they were never the correct demographic to begin with and they would have dropped it anyway after being told about the weird romance. People are allowed to have justified concerns about content and just bc you’re tired of hearing it doesn’t mean ppl have to stop lmao.

That's not grooming and not pedo, though?
"Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse."
"Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children."
I don't remember her seeing Tita in a sexual or romantic way. And definitely not being nice to him to sexually abuse him or abuse him in general. Could you point the chapter(s) where it happens?

The relationship becomes romantic later on just like sincerely I became the duke’s maid. These women are like parental figures for these literal children and the age gaps are gross when clearly the woman is years and in this case HUNDREDS OF YEARS older than the child she fosters. They clearly establish an emotional relationship and the children become dependent on these female leads because they have nobody else to rely on and care for bc they’re isolated due to personal circumstances and as a result they develop unhealthy “romantic” attachment to these female figures who acted as the only guardian who cared for them in their life.

Imagine you foster a 6-10 year old child while you are much older and are an adult (18 or above for the save of this convo) for years who has been abused by everyone around them their entire lives or have been abandoned by their family. You are the only one who’s given them an emotional relationship and cares for them and since the child is isolated from all else and clearly abused in some shape or form and has a hard time trusting people. You are the adult figure in their life and they develop an attraction to you and you entice that relationship and encourage it when the child has clear trauma issues and has only been around a select few number of people and may confuse comfort and trusted relationships as romantic which is extremely toxic and disgusting for the adult In Question to pursue further

Where does she realise his feelings and encourages them? As far as I know, even further in the story she doesn't have any attraction to him which makes it a pain for Tita — an adult at the moment — to woo her. This is the moment I have a problem with. Imagine raising a kid, being kind and what-not, thinking of them as your own child, and then they develop those feelings for you (since such a young age!) and try to court you even when you said "no". That's the creepy part. Especially when that same kid killed you in the story and is supposedly stronger that you are. But, oh well, I'm sure the author will go the romantic and cute way to convince her he is a man now duh

That doesn’t justify the fact that the kid has been brainwashed and groomed overtime into adulthood. She still approves and commits to the relationship at some point and romanticizing the whole traumatic child developing feelings for their caretaker is really toxic and doesn’t change the fact that it’s wrong. The way y’all normalize these relationships are so weird and gross bc it doesn’t make it okay even if they make the relationship “cute” it doesn’t change the fact that the child is obsessed with this woman from a young age and has a fixation on this one person who is the only one to ever show empathy to them. It’s an unhealthy hyperfixation that stays with the child until adulthood and doesn’t change the fact that it’s not healthy or right.

Go and learn what grooming is before you speak bullshit over here, you god damn imbecile. Your obstinate behavior regarding you not giving up on the topic of ' brainwashing ' and 'grooming' is obnoxious. The kid may have blossoming feelings for his 'caretaker' but how is that toxic? Do you even know what toxic is? It's your behavior. And how in the fucking hell is she only one empathetic towards Tita. Like I said before, if the elements of the story bother you, don't fucking bother reading it. I do not have the right to make you to stop but you also have no right to ruin this shit.
What is there to warn about this ? Is there any underage porn? No. Grooming? No. Pedophilia? NO, you dumb bitch.
You say all that when you go and read yaoi's with age gap larger and God, will you please stop?
Repeating again, drop it if you are not comfortable. I don't give a shit if you don't but stop being such a bitch because a woman is older. She didn't take care of him to make him, her lover when she grows up.

Someone’s taking a comic too personally lmao might want to get a reality check if this is hitting too close to home for you and you feel personally attacked by this. Love how your only rhetoric is to automatically insult and lash out bc you have no actual reasoning behind your logic. People will continue to speak about how gross this comic is to let others know beforehand and you can’t stop that just bc you’re bother by people exposing how weird the comic is. You can continue reading it lmao nobody’s stopping you sick fucks from indulging in some weird fantasy of yours and we are free to inform people about the grooming nature of this comic if we want and you desperately wanting to silence people isn’t going to change anything. I also don’t read yaois bc that’s weird af and I’m not interested in fetishizing mlm relationships unlike you. We will continue informing people about the toxic and manipulative nature of this comic so people who don’t feel comfortable with the premise won’t have to read it. That doesn’t concern you at all either so maybe stay out of others business as well if you want the same treatment bc you’re crazy yourself. Nobody is ruining anything when we tell people the weird age gap and parental relationship this manwha has that turns into some Freud shit. If people are into that like you then they’ll continue reading it but if they don’t want to then they won’t and that doesn’t concern you either idk why you care about us warning others as if it affects your reading abilities unless you’re desperate to find people who actually enjoy the manwha and are extremely lonely and get mad when people expose the weird nature of the comic. Have fun reading your fantasy nobody stopping you but we aren’t going to justify the relationship just bc you took a personal offense to it.

First it sounds like your taking it personally. Second nobody saying grooming ok at least I’m not but she not having any sexual relations and sees him as kid hence the argument. Of course warn people do you. But the argument is not about the relationship it’s more about people acting like there’s not multiple stories like this that are probably way more explicit. If the author changes the ml great perfect. By definition, grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with someone so they can manipulate, exploit and/or abuse them.

I guess you're just blind or have a problem with reading comprehension. I gave you the definition of "grooming". Is it so hard to understand that there is no grooming or paedophilia involved? Or do we have to discuss again why there are none of those? As someone pointed out before, she is NOT the only person to show him empathy. As much you can get from the comic alone.
The hyperfixation you mentioned IS unhealthy or is a fleeting first experience of a child. They usually grow out of it. But it's different here because she is like an otherworldly being for him that lives for centuries. Like a fairy. It DOES NOT sit right with me nevertheless but you are plain misinforming people about something as awful as grooming and paedophilia when there is neither.

It seems like you haven't read it well enough to know that there is no use for warnings. God, and why didn't you split your reply into few paragraphs, it's such a headache.
And, I'll take offense lmao. I am someone who is easily attached to the characters I read of and it annoys me to a very, very personal level when they are misunderstood. God, you actually make no sense. Like I said, bitch. Leave if you don't like it. It is very simple and easy.
And as someone who has low key been sexually assaulted and groomed, it IS kind of offensive. Tita wasn't looked at weirdly by the woman or touched inappropriately, where is your point then? Fool.
I don't fetishize mlm relationship, ya imbecile. I don't even read the explicit ones, only the shounen ai because it represents the LGBT community, which I'm part of. I would understand if you don't understand, though. Your hair follicle size brain probably wouldn't pick it up.
I love lashing out on people, especially one's like you who don't understand shit.
And I was just warning people so they wouldn't feel uncomfortable later on and not asking for your opinion.
I don't remember asking for your opinion.

The entitlement you have as if your opinion on how people write or warn others matters is so sad. Are you going to go sob in a corner bc someone doesn’t like your pathetic trashy characters that have a weird ass pedophilic and grooming relationship. Imma continue warning people about this weird ass manwha so they avoid ppl like you who have some issues they have to go resolve instead of glorifying some weird ass trauma porn comic. Y’all are so weak when you start getting attached to pixels as if your life depends on it bc that’s unhealthy af lmao. You’re also the one who brought up yaoi comics in the first place so that seems like a you problem if you think everyone likes reading those comics and fetishizes those relationships if that’s all that you have on your mind. Have fun throwing tantrums bc people aren’t going to stop calling out the weird age gap and parental relationship gone romance that y’all love to fetishize with your freak mindsets. You’re not entitled to anything dumbass bc the world isn’t going to cater to your delicate needs and if someone doesn’t like something they’re going to call it out and if you don’t like it cry about it bc you’re not the Center of the world.

Yeah that’s just as weird as this one they both have similar dynamics and doesn’t change how weird this one is along with that one. Manwhas need to really stop with this weird parental relationship gone romantic it’s so gross and the normalizing is creepy. There’s also another one called sincerely I became the dukes maid with a similar premise. It’s unsettling how this has become a genre for many manwhas in a sense bc that grooming nature should not be so widespread and encouraged.

Dude ? Do you even know what pedophilia is? Geez, talking to you is like taking to a rock, obstinate enough to not think about things the right way. You talk like someone who hasn't seen the world and is stuck in the incorrect worldview. I have mentioned several times that there's no grooming and pedophilia, why can't you understand? I do not want the world to cater to my needs, bitch.
Btw, as an asexual person, I don't think I am anything near "freaky". I never even think of sexual side of anyone's relationship, dumbass.

Aw are the weird creeps pissed off bc people don’t like the freud escape Dynamics that y’all fantasize over. You getting outed for your weird obsessions doesn’t mean you have to stop indulging in them dw you can all have your creepy manwha community and bond over disgusting age gaps and parental relationships gone romantic. Y’all just don’t want to admit that these relationships are clearly warped and messed up and try to rationalize your fucked up mentality bc it hits close to home. People will continue calling out the weird and grooming nature of these relationships regardless of how brainwashed and ignorant y’all are. Also the fact you keep on using this “brain dead” argument is ableist but I doubt you care about human decency when you fantasize about trauma turned romantic. Have fun watching kids fall in love with grownass adults and encouraging that behaviour lmao

Omggg QT danmei are getting manhua adaptation!!!!!! I just hope that Don't pick up your boyfriend's from the trash bin gets an adaptation too!!!!! Oh godddd

Here you go!!!!

Even if you all are fine with this now, for future new readers, please step out if you don't like age gap relationships. And no, there is absolutely no grooming happening here at all. And if you still complain about the big age gap, let me remind you that the clete (I think that's the name) is someone who doesn't age and if there was a man in her place and a girl in tita's place (or if this hid been a BL), many of you'd be fine.
Don't (please) talk about grooming. It will ruin the reading experience of many.
Thank you, have a very good time reading.
while most would say that they hated the ending, to me personally, I think this is the best outcome and ending they could've made out of this mess of a manga. the ending shows the imperfection of the society, the lies hiding under the shimmering glamour and the endless dreams that one can never hold onto, and even if they do, it would be under the sacrifice of other things they hold dear. if the ending had been the 'generic' happy ending, it would have lost the initial objective of the manga. this manga was never happy in the first place. Ai found her last happiness and truth in her children, aqua met peace after the burden of two lives and ruby fulfilled her dream of shining brighter and becoming light that once also shone on her. if looked at this way, everyone actually has an objectively happy ending, they got what they wanted. If not for loss of aqua and ai, ruby would never shine with the luster she ends up shining as.
even if not best, this ending does serve justice as the conclusion for this manga. Dears, if you feel uncomfortable with the ending, please read something sweet to soothe your enotions.
I agree that the ending was basically as good as it was going to get, but what leads up to it is the truly disappointing part. It seems so rushed as it reached the conclusion, a lot of strings left untied and forgotten.