Yourwindowisbroken's feed

honestly moving into the story, i felt like its going to be the generic, "knight and the king" story where even tho the FL is a knight, the ML has to save her,

But this story is actually good. The characters are not forced, the story is not forced. Our Fl was not 'gifted' she was left out of things, she was discriminated just because of her gender, and even still she just did her best and tried to stay alive. The love story was not forced, yea the Ml falling in love was honestly a bit out of nowhere(i kinda get it), but it was realistic. Just because the king has feeling for her doesn't mean she HAS to have feeling for him and boom wedding . She worked hard for her position where she was finally happy, and honestly i respect that she was trying to protect herself. I just love the reality aspect of it, and love that there are no outside drama makers to make this story longer than it is.

So 10/10 would like it to be animated