oh how i fucking hate non con/rape in these mangas im so TIRED of this shit you dont understand ive read hundreds of yaois and theres usually always some type of refusal from either party and they still go on?? fuck do u think NO means. its always bordering onto rape im so sick of it authors need to step up their game if u want to get ur characters dick wet that badly, raping is not the way to do it?? its so triggering to victims too like consent exists. my god these always ruin a good book n the mcs are never written to handle the topic well at all its like oh yeah i was sexually assaulted but its not a big deal bc their hot and i 'enjoyed it' UGHHH im so tired fuck this
p.s this isnt about the rape scene from the rapist its about the mcs relationship which was fucked up from the first place

I completely agree. Non consensual sex scenes troupes have been around forever. I’m not excusing it at all, yes I know it happens and it’s very real. But it seems like this trouper is becoming much more popular and so is r@pe, especially with more mangas like killing stalking popping up and people idolizing abusers. They had me in the first half and it was an interesting story but I don’t think I could keep reading it all the non consensual sex scenes and rape. It’s just extremely triggering and hard to read. Watching authors just feed into rape culture, bothers me so bad :/

YUPPP you would think in 2021 that authors would get rid of that trope... this also includes the blackmail trope bc ur being forced to have sex and theres way too many rape tropes that are so common, there is consensual non con which is alright (bc there is consent from BOTH parties) but god some of these really bdsm toned mngas need safe words and actual safe sex. seeing people sexualize ks makes me sick bc its a psychological manga, theres literally no romance??? fujos will say its just fiction but when you hold that mindset it WILL affect reality. people who read these constantly will slowly accept it as normal bc it is being way too normalized and ughh :// makes me so uncomfortable why is writing a normal safe sex scene so hard.

Yessss say it louder for the people in the back. Fujos really think it’s hot. Like it’s nott it’s traumatic! But those readers who think it’s okay are typically 14-17+ like noooo that’s rape culture talking for youuuu. but these characters walk it off like nothing happened, so they think it’s okay. Like no one in real life gets sexually assaulted or raped and walk away like yeah nothing happened I enjoyed it. It makes me wanna create my own manga to teach people about safe sex and have characters when they no longer consent everything is stopped and they respect their partners feelings and have a natural HEALTHY relationship
when a bad bitch tries leaving me