Egg Yolk created a topic of Sketch

Are they also gonna remove it here? Like forever until they found solution on it or something? T_T
Whyyyy ….. this is such a good story :(

It’s giving me mini heart attack every time they update new chapter and ends with cliffhanger…. Likee daaaammn I just want to see them happy together +_+

Egg Yolk created a topic of Red Candy

Been re-reading this for the nth time and still just waiting for agent uno’s turn. I’d say tho he is a playboy but the kind of when they get serious they are dead SERIOUS. Just give him to me hehe

Egg Yolk created a topic of Reunion

It hurts as fck. I’m so looking forward to the next chapters and how he’s gonna know the truth @_@

Ch. 59 and 62 is the same … lol thought I was tripping

Girl can’t just mind her own business huh -_-“

Princess just became a hoe … I’m disappointed with how’s this going

The translation used to be good/understandable … now I get confused every other panel or so *^*

Egg Yolk created a topic of I Was Told To Die

I’m just gonna let this marinate for a while, hoping someone will pick this up and upload the good translation

I’m effing excited about the next chap…. Hope they do something spicy hehehe

Finally got some updates TT^TT been waiting for eternity. Anyways, thanks to the uploader!! Hope they continue to upload the available chapters :)

Egg Yolk created a topic of I Was Told To Die

Im just gonna let this cook for a while, hope someone pick this up with official/good translation ~

Give us back our magus manga team TT^TT

Pleaseeeeeee upload chapter 117 TT^TT

Egg Yolk created a topic of The Taming of The Tyrant

Was it just me or the title changed? What I remember last time was “I tamed a tyrant and ran away” ….

Did they abandoned this? :((

Egg Yolk created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

That felt a little short ….. I really enjoy the story :)) Hope they have some side stories T^T

Egg Yolk created a topic of Damn Reincarnation

Still on hiatus hmmm …. Hope it’ll be back soon :))

Just thankful that it got updated and someone uploaded it here. Bless your soul kind stranger ^_^

Gonna let it cook for a bit …… :)) waiting for the good stuff