yall if you understand spanish you can read ch 25 because they are up to the raws and OMGGGG (if u want to read the spanish translation just go to hunterfansub//com)

Astina kissed the wolf(Theorode) before sleeping. She sensed that there's a person (human) beside her and was alarmed. When she checked the wolf became a person and Theorode has the same face as Theodore(the previous king which Martina loved). She kind of lashed out and sort of blamed him why he betrayed her then she kinda said, "You betrayed me and left me alone but I still love you" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
there's only 11 chapters more
Do you have raws? If you do please tell me. This better not be tragic (╥﹏╥)
sorry idk why there's 11 it's only 6 chapters left https://m.toomics.com/webtoon/episode/toon/5194 here u can see the chapters that are left, if u have an account you can read a chapter for free everyday.
Thankyouuuu. I reallyyyy hope this isn’t gonna end sadly ┗( T﹏T )┛
the preview for the last chapter is jasper crying I hope that is not sad ending too
Ahh I saw it too nooo
is this in english?
no it's in korean :(