Can someone help me find this manga:
Its a shojo manga. Set in japanese kingdom, main character is a princess whose clumsy, but bright and kind. I remember at the beginning she sneak out of her house in the castle to see her childhood friend who prohibited to see her because she got injured in the past wand he took blame of this. Oh and this friend is actually her love interest and he is first shown doing archery in the field when she find him. She actually meet with emperor’s child whose rebel because he thinks his father don’t love him.
Please help T_T

Can anyone help me find this shojo manga:
Male lead is a motor racer or used to be, black haired. And he have blonde haired friend. Female lead and her friends are in love with him and the friend. Female lead urge him to continue race, i remember at the end they did have sex and later the male lead wins professional motor race by using rain tire brfore it rains because female lead knows its going to rain eventually and voila..
My memory is quite vague but i hope this helps >3<

Decide to start watching Shokugeki no sa on Netflix but its only episode 1 and i know i dont like it. Especially the erotic reaction to the dishes....i think this anime is addressed for male viewers(?) lol

Japanese tv is so sexist and gross. (sometimes)

I also didn't like the anime, but I think the manga is better. At least it's easier to scroll past the reactions and some are funny.

Can someone help me find title of this manga its adult josei, not yaoi at all :
Male lead is famous rocker who have terrible childhood (step mom and step sister use him as sex slave or so) and he is in love with another male lead since college before he got famous, but the later male have girlfriend, famous one hate her because of that so he blackmail her and set her up so she can continuesly have sex with him but in later he fall for this girl by finding out thir girl is his friend in the past! I forgot the title and it still ongoing.. pls help.

http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/cross_and_crime/ sounds like this one except this isn't josei it's seinen
Any good anti-mainstream shounen manga? Adventure genre preferred but anything is fine. Thanks^^