Can someone help me find this manga:
Its a shojo manga. Set in japanese kingdom, main character is a princess whose clumsy, but bright and kind. I remember at the beginning she sneak out of her house in the castle to see her childhood friend who prohibited to see her because she got injured in the past wand he took blame of this. Oh and this friend is actually her love interest and he is first shown doing archery in the field when she find him. She actually meet with emperor’s child whose rebel because he thinks his father don’t love him.
Please help T_T
The drawing is getting sloppy and lazy writing. Ok bye for a while.
Yeah, I feel like with all the long updates I’m losing interest, and forgetting the whole plot now
Because it’s been milked so long without any substantial progress that it’s now a dried out skeletal husk of its former self. When you’re starving even crumbs seem like a lot of food which is what the story has been doing. Giving the readers crumbs of progress.
agree! i started reading this manga in 2018 but gave up two years ago, i cant be bothered anymore even tho it was so good
The author was sick so she was trying to cut back a bit and not stress herself out.