I think that he's missing the main point...the boss is deeply hurt, from the past and from this time...and it's like Wonyoung doesn't understand it. I reread the lastest chapters and he never truly apologized. He doesn't want to be misunderstand because it's unfair...that's not the problem. I don't doubt Wonyoung feeling for Boss but in this situation he's acting immature and selfcentered. He can't mend the broken heart of the Boss like this......this is my opinion...we will see in the next chapter.

I guess thats because wonyoung dont know taejoon past lover...
So he thought it was unfair how taejoon cut him out without listen to his explanation first. And taejoon misunderstood more cause the way manajer Jung explained everything to him. He didnt said anything about wonyoung decided to back out from that offer after being close to Taejoon. So taejoon kept thinking Woonyoung's feeling just a mere act in order to get close to him.
I hope they can talk from heart to heart and sort out everything.
I get the reason why Woonyoung offer him to sleep together cause he is desperate to get taejoon attention, if he didnt do anything or just bother taejoon to talk, probably taejoon just gonna hate him more since he ismt willing to listen to any woonyoung excuses. These guys really makes me frustrated as a reader Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
Thank you for the update. I love this manga. One of the best i ever read.