forget about telling jaekyung, tell the fucking coaches who actually give a shit about you- ik some people are like “oh imma snitch if it were me” but tbh it seems real grimy to bring up his dying grandma. i’ve been saying this since day 1, the lady is gonna die eventually, all them treatments been caught up to her like just let her die in peace already jesus-
i gave up on kim dan, i’m thinking dat look after jaekyung’s last outburst at him was finally his breaking point but homeboy is giving no progress, no evolution, i would love him more if his grown ass stopped being so damn naive YOU HAVE OPTIONS DANI BOY FUCK JAEKYUNG ATP

i loved this story when it first came out and still love it but even back then i was soooo confused on how people can ship jihyun with chiwoo, it’s legit giving the same vibes like killing stalking with people actually romanticizing such a blatantly disgusting relationship(not sayin it’s specifically like sangwoo x yoonbum cuz dat shit is it’s own thing, just dat the 2 relationships are disturbing and questioning as to how it’s even a ship)
it’s one thing acknowledging and sympathizing with jihyun having an abusive dad n getting falsely accused(pretty sure he got falsely accused?) and it’s another legit brushing over the fact that he sexually n physically assaulted chiwoo, leaving him with lasting trauma like who tf wants to be with the guy who basically ruined your life? wish i could reply to dat top comment from crymermaid cuz it’s the most disturbing thing i’ve ever seen like i didn’t know a whole ass green flag who helped chiwoo with his trauma n actually treat him like a human and not some toy is beneath a literal rapist and abuser (“jihyun is an abuser....but he’s not that bad” is the craziest sentence i’ve ever read, it’s giving the same energy when boys pick on girls and then their parents say “it’s just boys being boys” HELLO? is there no way that idk maybe don’t abuse someone if you supposedly like them?!?!)

Because we understood jihyun was IN LOVE WITH chiwoo. Chiwoo was openly avoiding his feelings and jihyun had mad anger problems. They never talked about their issues. I JUST WISHED HE DIDNT RAPE HIM!!! tbh that’s the only reason his villian. Crying out loud that man did everything for chiwoo. He was extremely jealous tho something they could talked about.

being in love does not provide enough reasoning for why jihyun acted the way he did, his love was harmful and toxic in my opinion and i completely respect yours and understand where you’re coming from yet everyone does perceive things differently
i just feel that even prior to the assault, jihyun legit was isolating him, chiwoo looks back at his past with jihyun and realizes how isolated jihyun left him with him targeting anyone who would get close to chiwoo or have any romantic inclinations to him(cause jihyun would legit steal chiwoo’s gfs and chiwoo would have to stop playing soccer cause he was dealing with depression and social anxiety from the assault) and ofc chiwoo was fine with it cause jihyun really had him thinking that he was the only one for chiwoo, that is not healthy at all and while i do agree there should’ve been more communication, it honestly seems impossible when chiwoo felt like he was either walking on egg shells around jihyun to not tick him off too much or he would feel content with jihyun simply showing how much he held chiwoo in high regards even when his actions were coming from a place of obsession and jealousy
maybe if they would’ve met when they were older and jihyun received help or even when they were young and jihyun would’ve received help then all this wouldn’t have happened and jihyun would have better coping mechanisms then i would agree with shipping them together but at the end of the day, jihyun fucked up time and time again, the assault was the absolute breaking point and nothing will change that

I don’t like him because he’s hot so that y’all I am not apart of. I like him because I can relate or I can understand his character. I know what he’s made for. The “I’ll show you how far i’ll take it because love you” or “This how much I love you” character. That’s dedication, which is admired. I can’t relate with his actions tho I can relate with feelings. I am not saying actions were good.

Just because the r*pe was the only thing that wasn't forgiven doesn't mean that's the only thing him he did bad; he kept driving people away from Chiwoo, whether stealing people he was interested in or even resorting to violence and isolated him completely. After the assault, he reappeared and kept disregarding Chiwoo's feelings, no matter how much it hurted him or how hard it was for him. Yeah, Jihyun had feelings for Chiwoo but even if he said he loved him he did not love him at all; you wouldn't do that to a person you love, any of that. Hell, i can't think anything he did that can equate to even care or affection because for Jihyun his own feelings always came first then Chiwoo's and his wellbeing. The assault might've been the breaking point but he was horrible to Chiwoo from start to finish. One can be sympathetic about the awful relationship he had with his father and his wrongful conviction but that doesn't take away all he did and the fact that he's awful himself. Showing someone how far they can take it disregarding their feelings and hurting absolutely everyone, including the person itself, is not dedication is being an asshole.

I believe reading this story chi woo had fault in this too. It was a never ending cycle until someone gave into the other. I said before if they had conversations, a lot of things wouldn’t have happen. I’m not saying jihyun was preachy and cream. I’m not sayin he was the devil. I’m saying he’s making decisions, especially the rape, based off of human emotions. That’s just a fact. I could argue he made a lot of logical decision, tho that isn’t the decision. The decision is about how jihyun was a terrible person or what not. Jihyun could have not did any of those “awful decisions” (sarcasm). Who know chi woo would been in a great relationship or he would have realized he like jihyun. If he did, that’s how I interpreted it. Now, did you asked yourself would you forgive your best friend that stole you bf/gf, and broke someone leg due to jealousy. Also don’t forget, he confessed multiple times and was ignored. I do understand why you said isn’t love, because it seems like he was obsessed with him. Tbh after the story I did want them to work it out. I could see the passion and love that he had for chi woo. Also chi woo said his bf remind him of a younger jihyun. Which make me believe that he had feelings for him then. Chi woo should have properly rejected him, and befriended him. Jihyun should have gave up on want a romantic relationship with chi woo, but that didn’t happen. I wanted to be together because they actually love it other. It have nothing to do his look or personality. It’s about how he expressed his word , and feelings.

Woooow, how does Chiwoo have any fault on his r*pe? Like, hell no. I love the fact that he question this himself troughtout the story, if he played a part on it, if he would've done something different things wouldn't have ended up like that but in the end came to the conclusion that no, it was Jihyun's fault (as he should

If Chiwoo had anything to do with how the relationship ended one could say letting Jihyun have it his way time and time again and not setting bounduries, but that's about it. Still, this doesn't justify any of Jihyun's behaviour and what he ultimately did to Chiwoo. I love the fact that Chiwoo question this himself troughtout the story (if he played a part on it, if he would've done something different things wouldn't have ended up the way they did) but in the end came to the conclusion that no, it was Jihyun's fault (as he should

If Chiwoo had anything to do with how the relationship ended one could say letting Jihyun have it his way time and time again and not setting bounduries, but that's about it. Still, this doesn't justify any of Jihyun's behaviour and what he ultimately did to Chiwoo. I love the fact that Chiwoo question this himself troughtout the story (if he played a part on it, if he would've done something different things wouldn't have ended up the way they did) but in the end came to the conclusion that no, it was Jihyun's fault.
I do think they should've had a conversation about Jihyun's feelings but Jihyun was the one who should have brought it up! Why would Chiwoo? Yes, he kept repeating that he liked him but the reason why Chiwoo could ignore it again and again was because he never made it clear that it was liking him more than just a friend. If he wanted his feelings to be taken seriously he should've adressed them in the first place.
Also, i think Chiwoo did loved Jihyun but as a friend and the author even talked about it. That's why he's so torn about the situation and why it's so hard for him to move on from him, it doesn't have to be romatic love for it to be genuine or important. I'm soooo glad they did not make up and he did not forgive him; no one's obliged to forgive their rapist and i like that it was not downplay here as it usually is in these kinds of story. And again, Jihyun cak talk all he wants about loving Chiwoo but that is not love.
Regarding Kyujin reminding him of a younger Jihyun, Chiwoo says it's 'cause some words and behaviors they have in common but they're actually super different, he even says that if he was like him he would have kept his distance, lol.
Ps. The r*pe "that came from his human emotions" comes from the most disgustings ones any one can have. So, i mean, what's the point there? If you're trying to point out that it comes from "being human" it comes from the worst of the worst of it, it doesn't justify his behavior. Also, Jihyun loving Chiwoo by the way he "expressed his words and feelings" you mean trough violence, coertion and complete disregard of the other party's feelings and wellbeing? Yeah, that definitely sounds like love

i really loved this story when it first came out but if you told me that the next chapter was gon be sum the author would add, i would’ve said you were a fucking liar- i had a pit of anxiety reading them rays like it’s so bad-
i feel soooooo bad for myunga(think dats the bf name) n ik that a lot of sex workers are subjected to crazy ass shit but the fact that another human can be so cruel
legit a couple chapters again sum lady wanted to jump off a building cuz of her love life n now sum psycho bitch is basically exploiting the bf’s troubles(his mom bout to kick the bucket i’m just sayin, hopefully she don’t but i’m thinking she does)

Yeah Myunghwa is his name. I personally have mixed feelings about him, I do feel bad for him cause he needs that money for his mama. And honestly I’d do the same. Plus I think him and MC’s little brother dated pretty quick so their love isn’t quite there yet.
But at the same time, I feel that Myunghwa really should’ve told his bf beforehand. Even before this money situation, he cheated.

oh yeah definitely cuz wasn’t the bf also taking care of myunghwa’s(ty for lettin me know his name, ik i had it right the first time n then thot i was wrong lol) mom in one of the chapters or sum so the MC’s brother def knows about the mom’s health(unless i’m wrong n thinkin of another bl)
overall like you’re saying, this lack of communication is just not it smh n now the upcoming chapter is gonna be so traumatizing

legit i wanna continue reading only for the seme cuz he’s a cutie, love him but ain’t no way your telling me i have to ship a cute top who looks amazing but gets called a fucking pig....with an bottom who also thinks he looks like a pig.....like maybe it’s the translation which is no fault to the translator yk at least it’s decent but gtfo talkin bout he’s overweight

i just finished season 1 cuz i like letting stories marinate for a while until i start reading (cuz i hate waiting for too long) but yeah, his daddy a bitch as we can clearly, his ma is the worst mother like your son got physically assaulted n u go back to work? let’s not even get into his dad cuz LIKE I SAID he a bitch. his brother a dick rider n his sis is the best one, proud of girlie for doin what she wants to do
hope my wonderful babe seo-an cuts off his family n him n woo-won go off riding into a sunset or sum

i get that she isn’t ready to come out and talk about her real trauma but honestly, i hope we get to the point where riftan realizes that what maxi needs above jewelry and becoming the noblest person of the entire realm is a man who actually treats her like she’s a competent human being and not some child who needs to be scolded over every thing she does.
like yeah she deserves everything from the finest clothes to the most beautiful jewelry blah blah blah but that isn’t going to mend this relationship they have going on where they don’t communicate with one another, this relationship needs some serious help because sex obvi ain’t gon solve everything
pls chat, don’t say it’s really true that MC is supposed to be with HER DAD?!?!???? How does that even happen, someone please explain to me if y’all read the novel cause how tf- this is not very mindful or demure of the author, giving devilish and nauseating instead (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
It's kinda complicated, but in summary he isn't really her father. Her mother is from Korea and was isekaied into this world, she could only trust one person to protect her child (I don't remember Kanna biological father) and this person was Duke Addis.
Her mom eventually vanished (either died or was sent back to Korea), Kanna knows nothing about the truth.
So like everything that will happen between her and her dad, she will do it thinking it's her biological dad ????
That's a great question, I hope not. If I'm not wrong, their relationship gets more intimate/romantic close to the end (when she knows the truth), don't really remember.
Ohh alr thank you ^^
Honestly it's a little bit more complicated.. the FL got back in the past but just only her conscious and able to possess her mother at that time and that's where the FL and her "dad" met and promised each other they will meet in the future be together again. Obviously her mother's body got impregnated by a higher priest and the ML keep her safe until then. It's kinda twisted but nonetheless very interesting story haha