omg idc can jaekyung bottom. can they make dan fuck him up the ass and dom him and then jaekyung begs for his forgiveness and then dan makes a deal that if he lets him top he will come back. i think this is good. i see his urges and jinx would be so much better if they at least switched every now and then. dan is peak twink top and jaekyung is peak beefy bottom. let me know guys

i never said any of that really. i explicitly said "and dom him" because i know bottoming and being submissive arent the same thing ... i dont think it would make him any better of a person, i just want to see him be a sub bottom because i want to dom him. it's literally that simple and not at all as deep as youre making it out to be, i'm sorry that my comment about a yaoi wasnt morally correct

i do not like yi-hyun ... idk i just feel like the plot is going in the direction where yejun lives with yi-hyun and realises that hes not as good of a person as he thought he was and he'll end up missing doyoon. or that useless baby gets health issues again for the hundredth time
season 2 ended just as anticlimactic and repetitive as season 1 so hopefully in season 3 something actually happens besides miscommunication and them breaking up

WHAT DO YOU MEEEAAAAN THEY STILL HAVENT COMMUNICATED SHIT, WAS ALL THAT FOR NOTHING... and FUCK that baby oh my god do we really need another arc about the child being sick. i thought last chapter was going to be a turning point for their relationship and the yaoi in general but of course it wasnt (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

why is doyoon's cock so red ? i'm actually concerned bc it's literally purple in some panels... the plot is literally just the same stuff over and over again with 0 communication and boring sex. not to mention they cannot draw children, why does siyeon look like that... the plot is not even that compelling. as soon as yejun finds out something and tries to communicate with doyoon, they have sex and yejun just immediately gives in despite clearly not wanting it. then he regrets it, tries to communicate, same shit happens. over and over again. release me. only continuing reading because i hate dropping things

i cannot be the only one finding it weird how theyre both fucking him at the same time when theyre literally brothers. and they jack off in the same room. they watch each other have sex. can they pls establish boundaries this is beyond bordering incest when their DICKS WERE TOUCHING!!!! PLS!!!

i dont see where i was being passive aggressive, genuinely LOL sorry that it came off that way because i didnt mean for it to
and this isnt pseudo incest this is straight up incest. however either way, nowhere did i mention that the incest was the only things ive found questionable, it was the only thing that was relevant to bring up rn because im talking in regards to the latest chapter. if i was talking abt the story as a whole, id bring up other stuff too, but im not. i wasnt bringing it up to be like 'wow this is so problematic'. there was no real reason for me talking abt it besides the fact no one else had seemed to mention that despite almost everyone bringing up the rape and physical harm so i was wondering if genuinely no one else had thought about how weird it was

I wasn't trying to be mean either soo yea sorry and no worries it's fine i just misunderstood i guess
honestly they don't look like brothers so i assume they're not siblings until we know for sure, i get where you're coming from now tho but pretty sure ppl do think it's weird but it's not the weirdest part of the story + I'm also more focused on the psychological aspect of their relationship and how fucked up that is instead of all the shit they do, alone this chapter the use of rape to "punish" him for gambling has me more concerned than the brothers touching but that's me. Everyone has a different take on this story and that's also what makes this one interesting enough to read all in all I'm sure there are ppl who are put off by the "incest" as you are

i see where ur coming from too and i agree that the rape and physical abuse is more outwardly concerning, but everyone else has already talked about that so i didn’t see much of a point in just echoing what everyone else has already said. i just see a lot of people have the stance that because one thing is worse that means another thing isn’t bad at all in comparison, which isn’t true, so i may have immediately been on the defence even if i hadn’t intended to !! so again sorry if i seemed passive aggressive
this is the closest we’ll ever get to bottom jaekyung i think. i’m satisfied
clarifying now because i just know one of you illiterates will have something to say again i KNOW he didn’t bottom i’m saying it’s unlikely that he’ll ever bottom so him sucking dick is the closest we will ever get
not trying to be the said illiterate here but, why do you associate sucking D with bottoming? Is that... something only bottoms can do?
Omg talk about only reading smut, they're not talking about their position in bed they're talking about their mentality reaching rock bottom.
Well we were talking about smut so don't come at me I just misunderstood
Lol mb, we just in the smut mentality rn it's okay
I really like your sense of humour
In shitty BL it’s always the bottom who sucks :(((( service tops r rare
DEAR APOSTLE OF PURE HATRED i believe you have me blocked due to a previous altercation so im sending my reply here
in real life, i dont view oral sex as bottoming no, but i don’t apply real logic onto jinx because it’s jinx. the sex is inaccurate and one dimensional, so for jinx standards oral sex is typically a ‘bottom act’ which is why jaekyung sucking dick was portrayed as shocking. also in BL it’s rare for the top to suck the bottoms dick or give them really anything and oral is viewed as bottoming in a lot of BL which is why i say it’s as close as we’ll get. but trust i do not think it’s inherently submissive or bottoming to just give your partner pleasure as that’s a very limiting and selfish view. i’m woke! that’s all… im just desperate for jaekyung to bottom please this comment was written out of desperation
also YES!! this is exactly what i meant it’s wounded me that my comment has came across as me viewing dick sucking as something only bottoms can do … forgive me anyone who interpreted my comment like that i’m not that guy
IT'S OKAY shit I'm embarrassed now for a second I got the impression that you were one of Those kind of fujoshis and I was like no way they just said that... sorry my bad my head is in the gutter
true that I agree
NO ITS OK i understand it’s easy to misinterpret things when half of the mangago user base is like *that* so no worries ♂
Hey…not conducive to the convo yall r having but u want to know the worst fujo I I’ve ever met? This girl I knew saw a father cuddle and kiss his son (an irl situation btw not characters) and she said she shipped them because they were moe and the father was hot and the situation was hot…..I can’t forgive that because what the actual fuck!!???? I was shocked people like that could exist. Anyway now you all can suffer this shared knowledge with me
On another note the way many BL portrays say gex really pisses me off. Where’s my service top yall :((( full volume is one of the only service top manhwa i can even think of. That man loves making his boo reach nirvana :’3. It alas, non con seems to be a number one best seller across the globe
but I do actually believe you bc those kind of people are insane and capable of saying Anything. I have this friend who's constantly watching thai BLs but she's a total homophobic irl like it seriously disgusts her to see two people of the same gender being closer than they should be (in her opinion)... OF COURSE I am trying to work on her to do better but still... my flabber was gasted when I realized she watches BL like... didn't you hate them??
AND THIS IS SO TRUE I also want to see more service tops but alas it's too much to ask I guess there's always some kind of non-con elements here or there I kinda don't even acknowledge it anymore... sometimes I be skipping through sex scenes bc wdym the top is having the time of his life while the bottom is screaming in pain? I WANNA SEE THEM BBGIRLS BE PLEASURED OUT OF THEIR MIND GODDAMN IT
(on a side note I do recommend you to read No Moral ESPECIALLY the novel bc Yunshin there is just a breath of fresh air he matches Sehun's freak so well I–
although you can't call sehun a service top per se but I like that it clearly shows they're both enjoying it when they have sex)
Wow, I may have been completely wrong. Genuinely thought you were talking about him mentally and not physically.
Wow that's actually crazy, I don't understand how some people can be so engrossed in such things to the point it effects their moral views in real life. There's a difference between fiction and reality (in the first place it's odd if you're into family romance but we're not talking about that) Please tell her to touch grass and stay away from porn for some time to regain her morals and views. Friends are people who should be there to better you and tell you when you're in the wrong even when you don't want to hear it.
Thank you
Me when I read that: (Dunno how to post pics on here.)
trust i was pleased to see him so desperate that he was willing to actually try to please dan too. i’m also pleased dan is finally standing up and not letting jaekyung push him around