Can someone please pleeeeeaaaaase translate that chapter? The link is in the topics below this one.... I want to understand what they're saying pwq
It's so hot but I'm pretty sure their dialogue is precious too, and that would make the whole thing a hundred times more awesome
onegaishimaaaaa~su >w<

Summary of what is below: having read up to the latest chapters currently out, I'm glad I continued reading this. It's a good story so far, even though the first few chapters were kinda a turnoff. What happened was ...
(alright this should be enough. Just in case someone quotes it and the quoted text will appear, if that's how it works lol)
... the couple's first sex was at least dubcon, maybe even noncon. And he was rough too, and she was in pain, which kinda made for a good contrast when he almost does a 180 and starts treating her gently like a day later. After reading ahead, that rough dubcon act of his even seems unfitting of his character to me, almost like the writer just put that in for convenience; cause it'll make the story seem a bit sweeter if a character goes from fucktard to loving gentleman instead of from reasonable person to loving gentleman. Yeah right ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ actually the more I think about it, the more I dislike it ... Lol interestingly, I haven't been taking dubcon/noncon tropes well recently. Maybe I'm reading too much into this too.
Anyway, yeah. Just wanted to say that it's worth continuing the story cause it's interesting, the guy does do a 180, the female lead is fucking awesome and I like some characters. Would recommend

Totally agree with you. I guess the good advice would be “it’s okay to read the first few chapters, but erase it from your mind after”.

Omg for any Germans reading this, it must be fucking hilarious XDD Leopold's phrases and their translations don't always mean the same, like the one in chap 31:
"Sir Taehoon gefällt mir endlich - mir!" =
"Sir Taehoon finally said he likes me - me!"....
Well, the German phrase actually means kind of the opposite of the English one XD properly translated, it would be sth like "Sir Taehoon finally is to my liking - to mine", which is funny af XDD
is what I thought when I saw that head priestess enter xD