God the angst especially with angst of suicide following the twist of the Dante and verge to stop him from summoning the ancient witch. Like bro I'm addicted
Eat a snikerrs! You're not you when you're hungry!
All the covers are white paging for me and I cant get the comics to load :') might be a me thing tho
It's happening to me too. I tried reloading and only a few covers are loading :(
Me too. Guess this is the start of the end again. RIP mangago lol
I have also the same problem! I thought I was the only one.
it might be actually down then, might go to sleep at this rate tbh
relax lol
same. sorry but im happy it wasn’t just me haha. now we wait </3
I'll see yall on the other side.
Yep me too....I guess this is a problem from the site
Same here....
God the angst especially with angst of suicide following the twist of the Dante and verge to stop him from summoning the ancient witch. Like bro I'm addicted