What the hell did happened there?? YUKI, why do you keep dragging Hakamada everytime you are down? Your problem with Naruse, all the insecurities you have from his ex, pour it down personally to Naruse, be honest and make a damn move if you don't want your man to be snatch away from you!!! Show your spine girl! Don't be a bitch and stir up Hakamada's feelings all over again. He really deserves better. He's sooo pure I'm hurting if he's in pain!

I'm sorry to say this but, Dai-kun, if you want to tell Riku the truth then why go around the bush? Tell it to her straight! Your pains are not an excuse to cause another pain to Riku. She waited for you all these years and even dated you for even a few days. You need to sort out all your problems before accepting Riku! It is so unfair to her because all she wants is to be with you and yet you won't open up to her everything. If you truly live her, be honest with her! Don't cause her any more pain! She's willing to turn down Shu-kun (which is a better suit than you) for your sake! Be a man and face it all! Base on what you are doing, you're just a coward and a jerk that keeps running away from all the hurts you experienced from your past! MAN UP DAI!!!

Is this too early for me to be afraid for all the dramas that might come from INASHIRO Vs. SEIDO match??? I'm afraid that our baby Eijun will be very tired and not be on his 1000% self on the game. I guess this will be furuya's turn again. Aaahhhhh... for me as long as they can reach the nationals, its ok! After all, this is the year that Seido is unbeatable because of their pitchers..

Nori isnt injured, he just felt a bit uncomfortable on his elbow thats why he got to sit out in ichidai to wait for confirmation from seidou doctor. Kataoka said nori will be playing after the result from hospital cleared everything out. The aithor wont put nori in the backburner for the finals match cuz nori just get his resolution on his final year few chapter back. He determined to play eventhough there is possibility to fckd up his elbow, that resolution wont be forgotten on reader mind

Why is this getting so damn complicated!? Riko doesn't deserve all this. I want her to drop everything and move on from Dai-kun. Although I want him to be saved but this is getting too much. I want Riko to be happy and be in love. I really hope that Dai-kun will realize that staying in the dark won't help him and will realize that Riko is all that he need. I can't wait to see how he chase Riku and that Riku won't feel anything for him at all. Aaaahhhhh... this chapter is soo bad It hurts.
Everytime I read this one... my heart is crumbling to pieces. This is painful to read.