Even if you do something good for it, when it's the time it'll bite you and poison will run through your veins. Haruna knew what kind of man Ryu is, always. So, seeing this from other perspective, why he got mad? The chances of cheating was pretty high, considering they got together because one got curious and the other was feeling lonely
Maybe Ryu will understand what a commitment is, in time, at least he's feeling the need of being with Haru only and that's a nice feeling.
I have a friend who's gay. He and his life companion have been together for over 12 years and they had a crisis, because even if my friend was no saint ( and the same with his boyfriend) shit hit the fan when his boyfriend was feeling something more than lust with his lover. My friend cheated on him on purpose that time, his boyfriend got mad, they broke up. After a rough few months both of them felt miserable ( my friend even went to a psychologist because he was pretty depressed) and they decided to talk and being honest with each other. They concluded that it's more important to them the fact of being together as a couple, that they can forgive one night stands, but what is unforgivable is if they start to get serious feelings for another man. It's like "if something like that happen to us, what's the point of being together?"
I can't do that but I congratulated him because they're on another level for me.
That's not option for Haru either but it's a story, Ryu will change and theyt Will be happy ever after in their house ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Yeah i understand. My gay friend also same. But when he cheated on his partner, i wish they broke up. Because I know his partner loved him so much and he was very sweet guy. I even know with whom my friend cheated with, he is a player so he slept with many guys and girls. And his partner didn't know. Btw they broke up naturally. Never told the partner that my friend cheated him a lot. I didn't want to break his heart more. But I felt glad. My friend wasn't the one for him. But your story is very common in gay relationship, usually them with long relationship. They can't just switch partner especially if they are no longer young.
You know... after all that has been said about if it was slut-shaming and all that, my concern is that I still don't digest why Sensei decided to bring her at this point of the story...I know I've said before that I trust Sensei, but after this chapter I'm kind of bewildered if this "twist plot" is going to make good to the story, and frankly (and with all due respect this is my very personal opinion) I think that Sensei is walking very near to the cliff where she could fall to the cliché storyline with Ueda being the evil witch that don't want MC end together, I mean this was too good to begin with and has a great potential and truly I'm kind of feeling this is getting far from the original concept. To be completely honest, I hope she kind of forget Ueda exists and use her as an excuse to Shirotani finally speaks to Kurose about his past and how much damage she did.
You kind of know what's going to happen in yaoi stories in general, but is how the mangaka can be truly original with the plots to give you what you expect in the way to never expected to happen, and I sense that from the very beggining with this story. Now, IDK anymore...
It was kind of unexpected for me... to be honest I didn't see that coming, she appearing and less in the way she did. For me it's kind of forced? Maybe is that, I still don't buy how all of the sudden Ueda came back to the story. But hey, it's my impression as a reader with expectations and all, very subjective as well.
"Big Boss of his fears" lol... nailed it! Well yeah, she is...kind of. There were something unusual about Shirotani since he was a kid, she pushed him to the edge of realization that he was indeed unusual but not in the best way. Still, I think it's more complex than that (for me, he was having a little of Oedipus complex and shit went down with her "intervention" in the worst possible way). So, now from this POV if the ten thing in the list is something related to her/his dad (I believe it is something regarding with the old man) kind of have sense she coming back again to the story, I guess. But all we have to do is wait.
I can feel this is getting closer to its climax. What a good chapter, finally seeing them both being honest with themselves, with each other but at the same time it let me a bittersweet feeling because we're getting to the end of this great manga. It's official right? The Vol 5 is the last one?
Thanks to the lovely people who worked hard to bring us this chapter.
This is so exquisitely twisted, sexy and dark. Hell of a story so far. I just love how Adam is fully aware of how much he can get seriously fucked if he surrenders to Iouri´s wishes. He'll not longer in control and he knows how much Iouri can make use of that after they sleep together. But also he knows that his time is not longer enough to control that beautiful boy without grant his needs, the need of him. So, Adam my boy...you're close to be irreversibly fucked!
I freaking love this story...really looking forward to it! Thanks to the scanlators, the effort is highly appreciated.
I'm making assumptions here, judging from what I'm seeing in those freaking YAS! Spoilers, and I believe that Doumeki reached to the point of saying: "I don't care what happens next, if you kick my ass and ask me to leave, maybe this is my only chance to show you how you must be loved. Let me show you how sex must be when you're this adored, yes, let me show you"
Yes, I'm squealing and yes please, they must fuck properly soon! I don't care what comes next (of course more delicious drama to deal BRING IT I'M READY!)
I'm emotionally invested in Akihiko x Haruki SHIP!!! Like deeply emotionally involved! The heartbreak is going to be for me... I can't deal with this kind of drama!!
Good update tho...
Holaaaa!!! Veo que tienes la banderita albiceleste asi que te respondo en nuestra lengua madre...MUERO INFINITO MAAALLL con este capitulo! Aunque creo que tanto Aki como Haru no saben aún que tienen sentimientos fuertes el uno x el otro, pero de que existen es obvio. Solo que Aki esta estancado en ese violento amor (digo violento por la manera en que lo describio, de ese tipo de amor capaz de rasgar tu piel y bla bla) con el man violinista, que creo que va y viene como le plazca y yo aqui revolviendome por dentro gritando: PERO SI TIENES EN FRENTE A ESE HERMOSO BAJISTA/MESERO CON CABELLO DE ENSUEÑO Y DULCE MIRADA CAPAZ DE AQUIETAR TU CORAZON Y HACERTE SENTIR EN PAZ QUE HACES CON TU VIDAAAAA?
Ahem...si pues, me estresa el drama UGH.
La pareja principal, si, lindos y todo pero que estoy crusheada mal con Aki y Haru que espero sean algo... Nuestro barco tiene que zarpar carajo!
Ps: asumi en serio que hablas español por la banderita, sino Sorry!! (≧∀≦)
Sí, tal cual, sienten algo el uno por el otro pero Aki está pegado al violinista ese. Por mi que lo deje ir, pero ya veo q no será tan fácil, sólo espero que Aki no se de cuenta muy tarde de lo que podría dejar ir por estar pegado a alguien que no lo quiere como a él le gustaría.
Estoy convencida que el recital será el punto clímax para todos, incluso para la parejita principal y ble, aunque no los amo pero les deseo lo mejor (¿?) Jajajaja
Tengo así la sensación de que el peor la va a pasar, al menos inicialmente, va a ser Haru. Siento que este manga tiene mucho para dar, porque hay mucjas cosas sin resolver que no creo se solucione rápido, y sino me dececpionaria.
En pocas palabras, le quiero decir al violinista "quítate tú."
Como ves, sí hablaba español jajaja
Although I would feel bad for Ritsuka's sister. She doesn't deserve to be dumped or ignored or dismissed.
Dondeeee mujer??????? (≧∀≦)
Esta mangaka va lento pero seguro, y ahora que lo pienso, quizas Aki esta estancado como tu dices con el violinista por una cuestion melancolica mas que todo (aunque este ultimo cap no sugiere una relación romantica per se, pareciera ser asi como amigos con mucha historia que aun disfrutan cierta complicidad...o al menos eso espero)
A todas estas, esta mangaka es very slow pace pero sus climaxes son correctos. Lo unico que lamento un poco es la falta de smut en sus historias, pero te envuelve de tal manera que no terminas echando de menos the sexy times. Seria un plus muy bueno si agregara una que otra escenita, pero vale se pasa por los plots que se tira la pana.
Asi que...dimeeee mujer donde estan esos chapters en castellano???
Sos una diosa!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Si vas bajando vas a ver que aparece el volumen 2 completo https://www.facebook.com/QueenYaoi/
Creo que es como decís vos, ellos dos son sólo amigos pero como tienen tanta historia juntos se sienten cómodos. A mí me da la impresión en el capítulo 11 que algo hay ahí que está comenzando entre Haru y Aki, vos qué opinas?
And I already love this! Complicated, heart wrenching and bittersweet start. Oh silly boys, grow up already and confess each other! (≧∀≦)