I'm feeling more anxious and worried than past seasons. I don't know what to expect anymore so I'm ready for the worse. Whatever it'll be.

Totally agree! The suspense is already killing me, every chapter I'm like: what the fuckery is even going on in Sangwoo's mind?!? What is he plotting? And then Bum is close to have an explosion of rage / fear and I swear, I'm expecting some punching from him to Sangwoo, and then...shit will hit the fan!

But while almost everyone is melting with their sexiness, I'm melting because they were being adorable in their own way. I mean, Shingo was feeling sad because he wanted to propose to Keiichi properly and he felt he failed...and Keii it's all like: yeah, you're too damn adorable, let me rip you in two... (he's so a leopard lol).
I think they were too adorable and they love each other so much. <3 Lovely chapter! Thank you pinkcherryblossoms!!!

Look this lil bishhh
Fargo tweeted it, is an image from the new chapter updated today (korean version)
He looks kjmadjasjdkjdakldjlkjdljdk ヾ(☆▽☆) little comet!

my baby being savage XD but still cute (●'◡'●)ノ

Becoming cool mother....lol

One of the songs that Donjin has written after his "close encounters" with the little comet is this one:
"Have you got color in your cheeks'
Do you ever get the feeling that you can't shift the tide
That sticks around like something's in your teeth
And some aces up your sleeve
I had no idea that you're in deep
I dreamt about you near me every night this week
How many secrets can you keep'
'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow
When I play it on repeat
Until I fall asleep
Spilling drinks on my settee"
Ugh, Donjin is becoming in one of my favs semes...he's so hot!
The draws, the plots, the stories. She of course have better ones than this, but I had fun with this one. When you think that things will turn dark or heavy, she just came with something that make you go (⊙…⊙ )(≧∀≦) like she take all the seriousness out and just "ey you're here for the pretty draws and smexy scenes and I'll give you that, expect hilarious and ridicule situations and that is all, it's Yaoi".
I was looking forward for an omegaverse from her and I had fun with it.
Thanks to pinkcherryblossoms, it was an awesome work