I HATE THAT TANG GIRL SO MUCH!!! STOP SPREADING RUMORS THAT YOU ARE JINMU'S LOVER!! THAT'S HARASSMENT!!! If a guy did this with a girl, people would have been way more pissed than now, especially if it was an ugly guy. Heck if Tang girl was ugly then nobody would like her. Her personality is so goddamn annoying.

I want Joshua as ML so bad!!!

Joshua certainly isn't good enough for the FL but I like him best among all ML candidates. His appearance may be his biggest drawback, followed by his status. However it would be refreshing to get an actually plain and lower in status ML compared to the usual imo. That's why Joshua was my pick. Ofc if someone like the King appeared than maybe I might support him. A wild, older man.

Baito is the first son, Ars is the 3rd son and Karl is the 4th? Did they ever mention the 2nd son/child? Is he dead or something?

*Ars. Sorry for the auto correct. : (
Hector married the original village chief's daughter. Hector was supposed to be the heir of Ars' father as head of family or as soldier (I forgot which one or if both). That's why Ars do his best to be independent since childhood from the moment he knew Hector will eventually take over the family and the rest of the siblings will be 'kicked out of the house'.

Ngl but I was initially against Cherry as the Judas' partner when she first appeared. But the interaction between the two made me reconsider UNTIL Christina arrived. As soon as she arrived, sorry my vote went towards her. The charm, poise and confidence needed to become an Empress/Queen is with Christina, not Cherry.

I read the first book but tbh while Emi was turned on by Kaoru, she never wanted to cheat on Suo. The one time they slept together, Emi was drunk and even called out Suo's name while doing the deed. Shouldn't it be Kaoru's fault for sleeping with a drunk woman? That's dubcon/noncon and may count as rape. Even later Emi kept rejecting Kaoru but he was the one who kept coming on her and even going as far as threatening her saying he had videos and pictures of that night.
Emi didn't struggle between Kaoru and Suo, she struggled because she didn't know if she should say she slept with Kaoru or not to Suo. Its bad that she ended up blaming everything on Suo at the end. Both of them were at fault and needed to communicate tbh.
I don't like how everyone forgive Kaoru though. He literally threatened Emi with sex videos (even if he only said it verbally and actually didn't have any videos or pictures taken). Tbh the first couple, FL was the best and the second couple ML was the best.

Tbh while Emi was turned on by Kaoru, she never wanted to cheat on Suo. The one time they slept together, Emi was drunk and even called out Suo's name while doing the deed. Shouldn't it be Kaoru's fault for sleeping with a drunk woman? That's dubcon/noncon and may count as rape. Even later Emi kept rejecting Kaoru but he was the one who kept coming on her and even going as far as threatening her saying he had videos and pictures of that night.
Emi didn't struggle between Kaoru and Suo, she struggled because she didn't know if she should say she slept with Kaoru or not to Suo. Its bad that she ended up blaming everything on Suo at the end. Both of them were at fault and needed to communicate tbh.
Also I speed read this because I don't like any sort of cheating scenes so I might have missed out on may details so please tell me if I got anything wrong. Tbh the only read I read this is because I wanted to read it's spin off/sequel.

Waaaaah I liked it so much!!! These two are perfect for each other!!! There's no red flag behavior from either of them!!!
I love FL's directness, her honesty, her care and love for ML, her personality and mindset. She's innocent and a bit naive at times (like how she kept seeing ML's exes in a good way when the first one was kind of bitchy and the second one was dumb and thoughtless). Nevertheless I love how she communicates with the ML and her friends. She's too naive that she thought it would be okay if Momo-chan slept in her room with her and her sister but I'm glad that she asked Haruki about it. I'm also glad she didn't find it too overbearing or unreasonable.
I also love the ML for his love for FL. I love how he wasn't overly kind with his exes just because they were girls, because he had the right to be mad at them since they hurt him (the first ex cheated on him and while it wasn't revealed what exactly the 2nd ex did, he directly said that she hurt him without even realizing and I totally believe she could do it because of how thoughtless she is). I also love that even though ML did get a bit happy at hearing that FL was jealous, he also didn't want her to feel that way so he instantly went to make her feel alright. I love how vocal and clear he is with his love for FL and even if he had some stalkerish behavior, he's honest about it. Like when he went to the karaoke where FL was with her friends.
Anyways, FL and ML are absolutely a match made in heaven.
The only characters I disliked were ML's exes and ML's mom. The first ex, the school beauty, was clearly a B. She cheated on ML and still had the nerve to disturb FL with her words. The audacity. I'm just glad I didn't have to see her in the manga much. The second ex, she's not terrible but she's so thoughtless that it's no wonder she's without friends. Yes, its mean but what made her think it was ok to pick up FL's call in ML's phone while she was in his room?! Even if it's not FL's call, she shouldn't just pick up other people's calls!! That's an invasion of privacy WTH!! I really disliked her personality. And the way she kept thinking it was okay to come to FL's house, where ML stayed too, and interact with ML in front of FL as long as she said that she saw ML as poop. Like come on! If you really cared for FL as a friend, you would meet up somewhere else and try not to interact with ML. Like he doesn't want to interact with you so why the f are you?! ML's mom was a horrible mother and no amount of "sorry" while she's drunk will change that. I'm glad that while ML agreed that perhaps she truly loves his father and is a good wife, she was not a good mother.
Anyways I was so happy to see the marriage at the end!!!! (≧∀≦)
He's totally my type!!! I love a cool, elegant looking man in glasses!!!