Author-nim is so cruel!!! You can’t do that. I was so happy to find the perfect webtoon with all my favourites kinks: sexy and manly boys, tattoos, piercings, great sex, amazing art, … please you can’t do that. I need mooooooooore ( T﹏T )
If anyone has recommendations to others similar mangas/webtoons, please help heal my broken heart.
Does anyone know where I could find the Chinese novel “Guardian” in English and free to read ?
I found some versions on whattpad but they are either incomplete, with bad translation or I am not sure if they are the original or fan-made ...
If anyone can share the link where they read it, I would reaaaaaaally appreciate it. (▰˘◡˘▰)
I will be stuck at home all Sunday, until this stupid typhoon nicely go away and I’m a bit tired of rereading the same mangas…
I love food, fantastic, historic and yakuza themed history but healthy relationship between characters would be refreshing. I don’t mind really sexy one though ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
Can anyone recommend me some very good titles, yaoi, shonen ai or shonen to save me from boredom?? Pleaaaaaase
Couple goal !