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10nya November 30, 2017 4:27 pm

It gave me a goosebump when the demon Yoseob showed up. I mean the holes on all over his body is terrifying (;;; °Д °;). But I don't know why I personally like Yoseob's character more and I want Jaeha to end up with him. I'm on Yoseob's side ( ̄▽ ̄) Because that selfish bitch Yura is getting on my nerves indeed.

    Anonymous December 1, 2017 12:56 am

    I agree with you. I've finally read all the chapters and I STILL don't see where I'm supposed to feel sympathy for Yura but not Yoseob. In fact, I don't see how the two most selfish asses (Yura and Taeoh) in the story DIDN'T make it MORE impossible for anyone to feel sympathy for them in the latest chapters. Taeoh: I don't know whether he's (Jaeha) just being nice or stupid. Yura: Let's tell Jaeha so that he can calm Yoseob down not because I actually CARE about him. And NEITHER of them worry about how Yoseob might harm Jaeha considering how dangerous they think he is. In my opinion, THEY'RE the most dangerous ones.

    After all, chapter 41 confirmed my opinion about Taeoh. He betrayed his friend LONG before Yoseob came onto the scene. Yoseob also attacked Taeoh only AFTER he caused Jaeha to get sick. I guess some people just don't realize that dying from being beaten or dying from being sick still means you're dead. Tell that to my mom's uncle that it's different because his wife just died from pneumonia but I hope and PRAY that you won't have to tell that to my dad anytime soon because my mother may contract a similar illness and die from it.

10nya November 15, 2017 4:20 am

Am I the only one who curious why the genre is shoujo?

    Kirbymaya November 29, 2017 12:46 am

    I am wondering about that, too. Judging by the author's last written story, Bastard, I would not expect a shoujo from them.

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