in reality yeah she’s gone through shit but so have a lot of ppl and she’s lucky to have got out of that situation buttt if acted like a normal person and wasn’t a piece of shit then maybe i’d feel bad for her also lmao no i’m so so so sick of trash hoe bc he’s always talking shit to navier as he does the exact same thing like i don’t know if he’s talking out of his ass or if he just really doesn’t think what he’s doing is bad
BUTTT on a happy note i love the translators notes they make this manhwa 100% easier to endure bc it makes this slightly funny

I read till 200 chapter, he never think even in the slightest what he is doing is bad shit crazy, he think he is doing a good job by saving the damsel in distress, he even have the audacity to claim himself as good husband, he never consider it from Navier POV. He treated Navier like shit and he is the only one who didn't know, Navier didn't help either by never point out his shit. Cause he never reflected on his action, he would never suffered from guilt. He suffered from denial though.
The emperor remind me of Ian from 'Beware if the villianess', they have the same mentality, self centered bastard who think the worlds only revolved around them. We need Melissa, who cares about pride whatever, you should just straight told it to their faces how shitty they are.

here’s the raws lol bc i couldn’t wait on that cliffhanger
most of this chapter is missing