Little help finding manga! It was one of the featured ones the other day, I thini? It was the one about the welding company and how the son from Tokyo came to the smaller town to run the business while his dad was in the hospital and the main love interest was one of the welders. Anybody remember what it was called?

Hey guys, I'm looking for a manhwa about a girl who buys a game like sao and she and her brother compete. She chooses to be a male avatar and throughout the game she makes friends and enemies and all that. She meets one of the guys irl by accident and he kinda recognizes her. I know its not much but it's the best description I've got, thanks!

GUYS I'M HAVING A CRISIS! I really want to take a dive into the shounen ai genre but I'm kind iffy whether I should or not. I feel like every story is just going to have minor BL interactions and that's just it, the two are never going to get together in the end. Am I just making this up in my head? Does the shounen ai have to have the romance tag to have them get together in the end? Also, any recommendations to start me off? Thanks for the feedback!

I haven't read a lot of shounen ai but the ones I have read haven't particularly had the main couple get together one screen, instead it was heavily implied. One completed manga that I would recommend is No.6. There is also uraboku aka betrayal knows my name- an incomplete one with heavy implied relationships between male characters.

This might be a stupid question but does anyone know what manga this picture is from?

I'm looking for this one manga about a girl who gets a video game called Arthur something and she gets sucked in to it and there's a blonde dude and she leaves the game with eggs and a lot of stuff happens and it's in full color cause it's probably maybe Chinese and the art is really pretty and she and blonde dude go to collect the Knights of the rounday table and yeah, anybody know where that is? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Does anyone know what manga this pic is from?

I'm pretty sure it's this
I use the filter system, which is pretty good for finding genres, but is there an easier way to find tags created by other users?
Like, if I want 'strong female lead' specifically I have to go to my Web browser and type in 'mangago strong female lead tag' and then I also can't apply anything like 'completed' and 'fantasy'. Am I just not finding this feature within the site? I guess any info on the filter system would be helpful at this point. Thanks!
click a manga, click a tag from that manga, then you'll see the search other tags bar. idk if you can filter completed from ongoing ones though
Aw, I really wish you could. Thank you though!
It's why I use baka-updates to this day: https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?act=genresearch
For example your query would get me:
I tend to add &orderby=rating at the end of the URL so it's sorted from highest-rated down.
I keep clicking on this link bc there is a tag search option.