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OtakuTime February 12, 2020 5:01 am

Thank you for the update!

OtakuTime November 11, 2019 5:21 am

You know what? I'm gonna say it.

I like the main character.

I know! Crazy- but hear me out! She's single-minded, ditzy, and purposely seems like a complete airhead at times; but I honestly really enjoy that about her. She actually has these flaws and is not necessarily meant to be a LIKABLE character. She has a lot of faults, yes, but she has a lot of strengths that fly under the radar, too, like her work ethic. Most people seem to see her as a prissy mean girl but if you take a step back and really look at the shoujo genre, she a pretty atypical female lead.
She isn't a perfectly crafted, card board cut out most heroines are these days, she has goals set for herself and determination to see them through (even if it might not be something I agree with), and I respect that.

She honestly kind of gives me that Elle Woods vibe and I'm loving it.

    lauralie February 4, 2020 9:38 pm

    I totally agree with you I used to not like her at all but the thing, I even dropped the manga but now it’s at chapter 62 and Yuu has done so much growing, she became prettier and more confident and personality changed so so much. The manga really got way better it’s honesty one of my favorite now, it’s true the beginning is very cliche but the more it goes the more it becomes.
    The mangaka said when she started drawing it she didn’t plan for it to be so successful she only intended to draw 3 chapters so i think it explains a lot of things that happened at the beginning, another thing is that her art got wayyyy better, it’s beautiful honestly now (chapter 62)

    OtakuTime February 9, 2020 3:55 am

    Thanks for replying! I really wanted to hear other people's thoughts on the matter even if it didn't align with mine, but glad I'm not alone ^^

OtakuTime's questions ( All 16 )

OtakuTime November 12, 2018 4:14 am

I use the filter system, which is pretty good for finding genres, but is there an easier way to find tags created by other users?

Like, if I want 'strong female lead' specifically I have to go to my Web browser and type in 'mangago strong female lead tag' and then I also can't apply anything like 'completed' and 'fantasy'. Am I just not finding this feature within the site? I guess any info on the filter system would be helpful at this point. Thanks!

OtakuTime November 10, 2018 6:41 am

Little help finding manga! It was one of the featured ones the other day, I thini? It was the one about the welding company and how the son from Tokyo came to the smaller town to run the business while his dad was in the hospital and the main love interest was one of the welders. Anybody remember what it was called?

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