Elaixa•'s feed

Elaixa• asked a question

Hi can i ask this is a topic that does not involve manhwa or manga but real life situation what do you when you're parents throw your kittens away in the streets knowing that the streets will not treat them well in my country and place, my kittens were a total of 4 and one is very small anlike his brother and sister's his very skinny he does not eat well but when he does its so little so i took care of him very well his doing i bit great but still is skinny and small while his siblings are very energetic and a large eater, i am very attached to them the day i got them but one day may mother had enough when they pooped in the bed and to my father to put them in a bag and throw in the streets my heart sanked when i heard that and i couldn't do anything about i couldn't speak because when my mother says something thats final so even if a say anything it wouldn't do anything and would just add fuel to my mothers anger so i just watch them get bagged and put in the car and drove of to somewhere i dont know i couldn't contain myself from my tears they just keep coming down to the point I can't breathe and keep gasping for air i keep on thinking the worst that night on what might happen to them in the streets especially the little one then mom says to me in the morning they can live because they can find themselves there own food which did not help and i couldn't sleep well these nights knowing theres no one to take care of them my family just moved on to the kittens like there nothing while im still grieving like they died or something bad happened, im crying while writing this its embarrassing im sorry i hate that i had no power to stop them from throwing them away, have do i get over this?