@BitchiSensei created a topic of Love Plan

BRO THIS WAS SO GOOD I love tops who are expressive and blush a lot unlike those straight faced bitches

@BitchiSensei followed a goer

✰You'll see me a lot here_(:3 âˆ )_

29 04,2024
@BitchiSensei answered question about your opinions
for anime movies I srsly LOVE doukyuusei, kizunonagataru I love the vibe the music the artstyle, I used to have a period where I watched them literally every SINGLE day I love them smmm to the point where I have most of the dialogue engraved into my brain

I just read a bunch of spoiler and the step mom is the villain, she keeps brainwashing everybody and Ophelia the og daughter is already dead, he only bought bunny cus he saw her running away and admires her will to live?? In the end they all bow to her and apologize and she forgive them cus she doesn't blame them cus they were brainwashed

@BitchiSensei asked a question

There's is webtoon it's fairly new but I literally cannot seem to find it there's this white haired duke and he's a devil or something and the mc has left her family moved to a new home where it's said to be haunted that's where she meet the ml in the basement while cleaning, idk If I even explained that correctly but I really wanna find it again

@BitchiSensei answered question about question
Its was on a accident I wanted to get into reading manga and was trying this complicated ass site and with my rotten luck the first category I clicked on was yaoi
@BitchiSensei created a topic of Entwined Passion

Erm...what the flip ^_^


dude when is this going to update and I can't even find raws I'm dying