You should know that a couple stays happy together by communicating. No matter how big and small the issue is, you definitely need to talk it out. It's a matter of trust, especially now that your wifey (husband) grew up in a family of snakes.
And if I see anyone hating on him. Then it's on sight. "How could he believe those gossip easily? After everything Cheng (forgot both of their names) has treated him?!"
Like I said, he grew up in a very bad family. (You guys should know this better, since almost everything was on his point of view)
You can't erase that shit. And think about it, what if that shit was actually true? (Not saying that Cheng is a bad guy) What would he gain by staying with him? Knowing his personality, he wouldn't let it slide. Especially now that he has a son. Besides, I take him as a "Better to be safe than sorry" guy.
Some people are actually like that. People that appears nice and treats their lovers nice but still cheats. A fucking facade. Especially now that they're men(Again, not saying that Cheng is a bad guy)
So yeah, I'd say that they both talk it out and shit. AND BRO SERIOUSLY I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE OTHER BABY TO ARRIVE HE'S BEAUTIFUL
NOT YOU DROPPING THE "Not everyone waits for you" BOMB- WHAT A LOW BLOW DUDE
THIS RICH BITCH HAS BEEN SPITTING MISSILES- And I mean he has a point in that (especially at the ex)
Nothing is helping their situation, blond guy can't take s breather. Rich dude is demanding an answer right now, no, more like cornering the blond dude. And the ex- simply just
And why is the rich dude so impatient If he keeps doing that shit, forcing and cornering the blond guy to answer him right away. There's a huge chance that he'll make a bad decision and shit, since that rich bitch didn't give him enough time to think. And his answer will probably be what's the best for now (as in their CURRENT situation) or simply just the adrenaline