The ending does not make sense, it was so rushed... Ruining this beatiful story like this...
In my opinion, you can tell Isaac was truly in love with Giselle and that he was such a good and innocent person, it doesn't make sense that he was behind those incidents. Also, we can see that Giselle was truly in love with Isaac, remember that she was taking medicine so she can be with him forever, so now, how come she didn't even hesistate when she shot him? He was her f lover... For me, the actual culprit was Kay, he had such a bad attitude.
Also, what on earth happened to the relationship between Bluebell and Anne? They were starting an innocent and cute romance...
Another question, what happened to the other vampires? We know nothing!! The author just "okay, 10 years later".
What about that kid at the end? Who is that boy? Why does Isaac is still alive? Why he didn't approach Giselle in 10 years? They were lovers!!!!
But my main question, what about that b**** Roxy? She just left with all the money? That's all? She was a total assh***, she deserved the worst, I wanted the murderer to kill that b****.
Seriously, the end ruined this story.