sumi February 19, 2025 12:17 am

So last month out of pure desperation, I translated a chapter of a manga that I really like. I had no idea how to go about it so I just rawdogged it with pdf filler and it kinda got the job done(?) Surely there is a better way of doing this, can anyone please enlighten me?
I was not great at it, but I had lots of fun. I wanna try doing it again in a better way. Thank you for reading

    CRMSNVictory February 19, 2025 1:30 am

    Use photoshop
    Or surprisingly PowerPoint has basic image editing tools to edit photos or pages.
    GIMP is a free image editing software

    specird February 19, 2025 2:26 am

    photoshop is the best way for sure but if for some reason you're unable to use that, try photopea

    sumi February 19, 2025 4:29 am
    Use photoshopOr surprisingly PowerPoint has basic image editing tools to edit photos or pages.GIMP is a free image editing software CRMSNVictory

    Thank you! I am a bit bad with computers but I'll try my best to teach myself Photoshop

    sumi February 19, 2025 4:29 am
    photoshop is the best way for sure but if for some reason you're unable to use that, try photopea specird

    Thank youu

sumi February 11, 2025 9:52 pm

Which one is best in your opinion, manga, manwha or manhua? And why?

    Niku February 11, 2025 10:00 pm

    Manhwa's because mangas I don't know if I'm delusional but the chapters seem so long and it gets boring if it isn't your usual 5 chapters plus they usually aren't colored and I prefer colored stories ! Manhua's always seem so sweet to me and refreshing but I still prefer manhwas

    Mia February 11, 2025 10:01 pm

    Mangas for me

    Mia February 11, 2025 10:02 pm
    Mangas for me Mia

    No particular reason i just prefer the art and the way of the story telling

    Kriss February 11, 2025 10:15 pm

    Manga. They have better storytelling and romance. Plus, they usually don’t, unnecessarily, drag out the series for dozens of chapters.

    Torikurui February 11, 2025 10:22 pm

    manhua for art and manhwa for story for sure

    Delaoh February 11, 2025 11:43 pm

    I think every one of those have their own strong point, but imma choose manhwa cause i love the art style best, their jokes is also funny cause i can sometimes relate to that, for storytelling, i think it all depends on the author, some manhwa have a good storytelling, some are shits at that..

    I do read manga sometimes cause manga usually have a creative plot. i've never really read manhua cause the story is usually cliché idk maybe i just haven't found one with a good story

    **Anonymous** February 12, 2025 12:19 am

    As a long time reader I love all of them and MY opinion for them is:

    Manga is mostly white and black but they mostly got a good story and even w/o color they express emotion of the characters really well (Yona of the dawn is my example for manga )

    Manhua doesn't have a lot of great translation in this site actually and some of them are repetitive story line and they're cliche (but hey some cliche makes life interesting) they got such a sweet interaction between the characters since they're shounen ai they are more about the story and interaction with each other and the art is really good (pixiu restaurant is one of my example for a good art,plot and interaction between characters)

    Manhwa have a great art also colored and it's mostly what's popular now and some of them have a great story and character... My only problem with them is how they always have a weapon and a brain as their d1ck and they're mostly toxic rapey shit (not all of them) but really hard to find fluffy things to read

sumi February 10, 2025 11:57 pm

So a bit specific, but can you drop any BL where one of the characters is the sly/dodgy/trashy/suspicious/doesn't take himself too seriously/con man type.
I'll be forever grateful

sumi January 21, 2025 1:50 am

Name a manga that has impacted you in some way or changed your perception on something. I will give it a shot no matter what

sumi November 4, 2024 3:28 am

Gimme your goofiest BL recs (manga preferably). I wanna be entertained and I'm positive I have already read most of them. Thanks for reading xoxo

sumi July 24, 2024 1:49 am

Does anyone know of another manga (BL or not), that has a character with a similar personality to the seme in this BL?
For people that haven't read it I am looking for a sly/doesn't take things too seriously type of character (but deep down he is really soft) THANK YOU FOR READING

sumi February 15, 2024 7:17 am

Does anyone know of another manga (BL or not), that has a character with a similar personality to the seme in this one?

sumi December 28, 2023 12:08 pm

Is about an uke who has a bunch of boyfriends at the same time, but the one who lives with him, knows all about this and pretends to be cool with it. Despite his trashy behaviour uke thinks it's everything is chill until he finds roommate crying

sumi November 28, 2023 4:53 am

What's the funniest BL you guys have ever read?

sumi October 24, 2023 12:52 am

But yeah, I like stories where one of the two has a big crush on the other one and is pretty open about it, but then after a while ends up thinking it might be a hopeless cause and gives up (maybe also by putting some distance). But after that his crush comes back for him and confesses (after he realizes his feelings for him or something) and boom happy ending. Idk i just really enjoy seing that trope, will never get tired of it. Any bl recommendations that might fit it?

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