Listen. What Joohyuk did is extremely fucked up but as fucked up as it is, I legitimately think the author thought this was the best way to get us to hate him; the final breaking point. I mean, come ON. From flashbacks, we could see that Joohyuk had feelings for Eun-oh and that those feelings were reciprocated. Eun-oh refused to take up/move ahead with these feelings because of thinking that he would put Joohyuk and his mother’s life at risk; basically, he thought they would lose the amazing luck they had come up on just as fast as they gained it if Joohyuk turned out to be gay. He also didn’t want to “take advantage” of the help he was receiving from Joohyuk’s mother because he felt like it would be deceiving her and her trust. The whole shebang about “having an heir to continue the family business” sort of thing. Newsflash Eun-oh, Joohyuk is GAY. I’m also pretty sure that Joohyuk’s mom would have already picked up on how Joohyuk really felt about Eun-oh by now anyways and she doesn’t seem like the type of person that would hate it/be against it. The author started up the story to make us hate on Joohyuk in the first place anyways when they showed Joohyuk picking on Eun-oh in class, fucking a close peer of Eun-oh’s right in front of him at the bar, etc. Again, even though this method is absurd and fucked up, Joohyuk is playing these mind games with Eun-oh because he knows that Eun-oh feels the same way about him but refuses to do anything about it. Then in comes Dochan. Dochan immediately falls for Eun-oh because of his drawing of him and I guess general attraction? It feels like a lot of you don’t remember this but Eun-oh literally sleeps with Dochan due to curiosity and imagining what it would be like if he was with Joohyuk. Like, wtf? Later on when he’s back visiting Joohyuk and his mom at their house, we see that moment where Eun-oh masturbates in the bathroom due to Joohyuk and Joohyuk is outside the bathroom door questioning why Eun-oh just doesn’t come out and admit to liking him so that they can finally be with each other. It’s all so fucking frustrating. This is years and years of loving each other and then some random guy just pops in and just takes away everything. I mean, don’t get me wrong. Dochan is a nice guy but he should have just stayed as a second lead. Eun-oh is constantly juggling with having both Dochan and Joohyuk on his mind the whole time. That is until now with this fucking whiplash of a disaster. It literally feels like he replaced his feelings for Joohyuk with Dochan so quickly. The whole concept of the manhwa is fucked and I genuinely wish I didn’t start reading this. Basically trying to push the life lessons of “if you know you have a chance, don’t take it” and “don’t follow your heart.” I guess the realistic aspect of this is that you are most likely never going to end up with your first love and that the window to your opportunities won’t remain open for as long as you want them to.