I thought the seme has a twin which the MC didn't know because of how he treated MC, that's why I came to the comment section for a bit to check. It is also because I got confused about the hair style of seme. But what I discovered is that, you babies already know what happened on chapter 91. I still have a long way to go so, see you chapter 91~
Gotta bookmark for now. Mwah.
What if Mr. ML Wujin has planted a hidden camera in his apartment? What then? You never know, because he can access his passcode like the other time. Maybe he'll use that for the MC to come crawling back to him on all fours, or so he said. If so, Mr. Blondie is a softie, maybe he will blackmail him first or something like that? He is still, of course, in the middle of his divorce.
Yes. Me and my wild imaginations~
Mommy misses you so, so much~.