Meri's feed

Meri created a topic of Mate ga Dekinai Wataru-kun

It's a manga, so of course the setting is (most of the time) in Japan, so to say a traditional/old style room as a Japanese-style room WHEN THEY'RE IN JAPAN is just - ugh. It's like if you're in America and saw an old-style house and say that's an American-style house, it's so stupid, ugh. This is why I don't like localization.( ̄へ ̄)

Edit: Someone in the comment had enlightened me how Japan actually calls it Japanese-style which imo is weird, so this rant is really is wrong, my apologies. Though I still have gripes about localization so I've decided to study Japanese and buy mangas when I have the money instead, though I don't know how long will that take.