Pirate dude is hot asf,, he's dumb as hell and I can vibe with that. Feel bad for Tia cause it's clear no matter how intelligent you naturally are,, how you are brought up can define your outlook on life (she has so much trauma that just goes unchecked and I hope she gets the happy ending she deserves). She may have fucked over people in her past life,, but she was a victim of abuse and manipulation, she's also clearly redeeming herself right now and has already gone through a life time of suffering. I think pirate dude is hot asf, but if Cedric makes Tia happy,, then it's alg #tiarights #piratedudeishotwtf
Kim Dan has lived the past few years on his own working hard, stressed about his grandma and singlehandedly making money on his own, so when JK comes in and "saves the day" I can understand why he gets feelings, even if JK is a POS,, like, the only person to ever support him is JK, so no wonder he feels so grateful and in love even if he's being treated like an object. Kim Dan having no self worth is not really his own fault, so I don't get why so many comments are victim blaming rn - JK IS a POS tho and I really hope he gets beat up or smth cause man he is arghh
Totally agree with you. He could've at least acknowledged the fact that he bought it with money Doc Dan earned from another job and not with the money he pays him.
But, I think that outburst may come from the feelings Jaehkyun is starting to feel for Doc Dan and he just don't want to admit they're there.
Yeh ikr, JK is so up his own ass about everything, he's such a selfish, violent dickhead - I'm hoping Kim Dan leaves him and JK realizes what he's actually missing when Kim Dan is gone
I hope the Author has smthg good waiting for that dickhead. He deserves to see and feel the loss of Doc Dan, not just as his therapist but as his lover as well.