Remember in the very beginning I believe when they opened the cafe ( maybe wrong) but one of Haru's friend was like are you going to tell her your info and stuff ( something along those lines honestly don't remember because this was years ago) her meaning Haru's ex girlfriend. And then Haru was like No.... The way the conversation went seemed that she meant something to Haru and not just another "hoe". I was thinking that she has to appear again in the future and be like the last villain or some shit before Haru and Ren get officially together... Part of me wants it to happen to just learn how Haru lived before Ren. I know that we sort of already know how he lived before, but you know ..... I'm a nosy bitch soooooo. Then if she does come back Haru should be like " Bitch you're a thing of the past. Ren's my everything ( idkkkkk) Then Ren's like " Damn right" and they make out in front of her and make love after she leaves crying ........

honest question what does sex smell like? is it bad?

Kind of like after a work out. If you get jizz on your face you smell jizz but it isn’t a strong smell. Whenever I see in manga someone talking about a stench in a room where someone has sex I wonder what they ate bc jizz doesn’t smell like much. Even when I had anal sex I didn’t smell anything gross in the room. Also sometimes when you have slow sex and it’s cold there isn’t even a sweat smell. To me sex smells like my bf. Guys have a stronger smell and bc I’d be close to him during sex and all I could really smell was him, and maybe whatever candle he was burning. He was a big fan of Yankee Candle’s midsummer night dream and pine smelling candles. He had this amazing smell and mixed with his laundry detergent, cigarettes and pot, I thought he smelled so good I’d smell him all the time. He’d get mad at me when I started smelling his hair in public. He had really long hair that smelled just like him and I’d rub his hair on my face and inhale his smell. Funny thing was that after we broke up and I fell out of love with him I wasn’t into his smell anymore. I didn’t hate it but it wasn’t the same. I can appreciate his smell again bc were friendly now and I like him again. I don’t love him anymore but Bc we’ve worked out the anger and bitterness and bc of how he tries to be a good dad to our kid, I have warm feelings for him. So I now enjoy his smell. Except our kid has severe eczema and fragranced laundry detergent triggers it I also don’t appreciate smelling now. Even if it smells good mixed with his natural smell. But off topic. I guess sex just smells like the person your with mixed maybe with sweat, unless of course if you get jizz on your face then you smell that as well. Once he got it up my nose, but that was still preferable to in my eyes. Apparently eyes don’t appreciate semen.
I love how twisted it is such a good read!!!!!! Loved the characters and the ending!!!