2020-05-30 19:03 marked
2020-03-26 17:37 marked

It's safe to say we all want Phos to end his own suffering and somehow find happiness. Phos keeps on being tormented by his surroundings, his distorted memories further contribute to this. By constantly replacing his limbs and being left with little of himself he doesn't have much to actually remember everything he has experienced. He only really remembers Antarcticite as his happy moment and keeps holding on to this memory as being with Antarcticite probably gave him his happiest memories.
Phos needs to come to terms with his pain and feel comfort in solitude instead of desperately seeking for someone else's affection. I believe the only way for Phos to find happiness is to honestly walk away from everything and seclude himself from everyone once again. Being in isolation for 300 years right after his birth clearly secluded him from the rest and made him incapable of relating to others and/or forming deep and meaningful bonds. Phos tried his best to fit in, to have friends but clearly that didn't work out great for him. Phos has always felt lonely, you can see it from the beginning when he kept constantly being shattered and easily broke to minimal pressure (in comparison to the Diamonds). Phos came to the conclusion that by becoming stronger it will make him more likeable and give him a place to belong to.
Phos understands the pain of being alone and finds it unbearable (although bless his soul for trying his best to stay positive, what a precious child), that is why he wanted to help Cinnabar. By helping Cinnabar, Phos would also find some peace of mind and gain a friend.
Phosphophyllite did manage to remove Cinnabar him from his self-isolation and join the gems (unfortunately he had to go through a lot and essentially deepened his issues to a whole other level), but Cinnabar was and still is too wrapped up in his current happiness of belonging that he does not really care for Phos any longer (which is honestly heartbreaking but like ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Phos' whole life is pretty damn tragic if you ask me). Antarcticite was the only gem Phosphophyllite really bonded to, he was basically Phos' elder sibling and truly cared for Phos. It's because they both understood one another and experienced very similar things that no other gem really did, i.e. isolation, loneliness, feeling weak (Antarcticite melts above a certain temperature, so he could understand Phos' desire to want to become stronger), wanting to be loved by others, etc.
Now my FAVOURITE topic; Cairngorm.
Good god, what a bitch. From the moment he decided to divert his attention to that fucking Lunarian Prince I was disgusted. Man I can't even with this one. Clearly he's being manipulated, the Prince is feeling lonely and Cairngorm can soothe his loneliness (which is great for Cairngorm as he only wants undying affection but nonetheless pisses me off). Phos couldn't give that to him because he morns for Antarcticite and desperately wants him back. Cairngorm literally just dropped Phosphophyllite as soon as he found someone else to fill the void in his heart that was probably created after the death of Lapis Lazuli which is fucked up on another level.
To end this on a somewhat positive note..
Padparadscha is such a babeeee, although he doesn't really understand what Phos is going he nonetheless sympathises and sees just how much in pain he is and tries his best to help him while not pushing his limits too far. I think this stems from the fact that Padparadscha is one of the eldest gems and his 'defective' torso enables him to understand certain aspects of what Phos is feeling.
Bless the babe, always trying hard for Phos even though he knows all of this is best left alone but he can't say anything to Phos who is now so wrapped up in seeking revenge.
Haruko Ichikawa is a mad genius, every chapter hits home to some extent and I think every human being can relate to at least a couple things in this masterpiece. Chapeau to him for understanding human pain and to successfully depict different aspects of it.
2020-03-26 17:31 marked

Magnolia said:
I was actually confused about that part too but after re-reading I don't believe that Ian got himself a girlfriend. For starters, after they came back from visiting the family's house, and Jeremy's confession before Sandra's grave, he was finally able when confronted by Ian to accept being loved. Of course, Jeremy's soul and heart are still scarred, so it isn't possible for him yet to lead the life of a normal couple with Ian but the relationship hasn't ended.
[Jeremy: Can you love me even though I am a killer? Can I test your love?
Ian: That day I finally felt he was born]
Yes, this is what Ian was waiting for because this is the start of catharsis … so why would they break up? Why would he get himself a girlfriend, even months after that? Jeremy has already challenged him about the love issue, and Ian, being as steadfast and stubborn as he is, would never back up, would never fail to prove to him that he can have faith in his love. When Ian broke up with Nadia, he told her that the only way he can communicate with someone like Jeremy is through love. Throughout this difficult relationship, he was waiting for this opening either to be told that he is loved by Jeremy or that Jeremy accepts to be loved by him. He was going to lose hope and end things with him though he was reluctant about it, seeking for excuses to meet up with him again, however Jeremy finally accepted his love by saying the words I quoted before (so there won't be any other partners, lovers or else everything Ian has done up till would have beeen futile and he still has hope that this relationship will progress more … there is a hint about that in the last chapters' pages).
Some readers have suggested that Jeremy was jealous from the lady friend who was accompanying Ian so he referred to her as being his girlfriend (this is very plausible because Jeremy isn't direct with expressing his jealousy).
Finally, Ian explicitly spoke about love: during September throughout November, Jeremy alienates himself and avoids Ian because this is the period when he was entrapped by Greg, but during December, this is his “winter celebration” where he can finally monopolize and embrace Jeremy, so he is waiting for that as much as Jeremy is waiting for it, waiting for the fun (he said so explicitly), when they get lost in their imagination/ vision, overlooking the cliffs.
If Ian had a girlfriend (a companion/ a partner), if he had grown out of his feelings for Jeremy, he wouldn't have said that. It is not even a possibility because if he had, the last chapter would have completely been different so the end lies in these words “I've been waiting too the December that I can monopolize him and embrace him. That is my winter celebration”.
“How often does LOVE go back and forth between the threshold of life and death” (death: September --- November; life = December)
It is a very beautiful ending (the last page about Schubert has a meaning too as Ian invited Jeremy before with a promise but I kind of forgot what is was – kissing him maybe – I am not sure)
Gigi’s reply to Magnolia:
Magnolia I totally agree with what you said it's true that their love still has hope . You may not realize or notice those ceramic Jeremy made in the last chapter when he come to see Ian- it's the two hand grabbed each other. This is the testament to love , two people closer together and hold each other . But there are many thing that didn't resolve well in the end but at least love will grow more and in this cruel world still has little light of happiness
Magnolia’s reply to Gigi (ceramic hands):
Ah, you are right. It does have a meaning but I've omitted it in order to shorten my interpretation. You see, I originally had associated it with the beginning of the healing process Jeremy went through. The reason for this is that the first hand he sent to Ian is after they had a fight and Jeremy said to him that he won't need him anymore. Of course, Jeremy wasn't able to accept Ian's love which was conveyed to him by his will to possess him (don't go to the massage center, don't let yourself be embraced by other men even if it is just sleeping next to each other).
However, Jeremy was being influenced by his love for Ian because he created a normal hand instead of the one he created before with needles. Perhaps (as a hypothesis), the hand Jeremy created with needles, symbolizes on a subconscious level his rejection of any form of help, kindness or support which might be offered to him because of his guilt feelings (needles equal punishment). However, when he started to open up gradually to Ian, even though he stopped seeing him after their fight, he created a normal hand (again that might signify that he was starting the healing process which reached its climax after the confrontation in front of Sandra's grave).
Therefore, you are absolutely right, the fact that Jeremy sent Ian the other hand and the way Ian arranged them, mean that they've finally reached a symbiotic equilibrium in their relationship. It is a very powerful symbol in the last chapter like you've pointed out.
Finally about the last sentence you've wrote, the ending, no the whole progress of the series, is well thought of. It is expected that the recovery process will be very slow – perhaps Jeremy won't be able to return to being fully normal after all of this. He was literally shattered into pieces and brought back from his inner "hell" only by a miracle called love. A subtle and sincere love which makes this ending very touching, symbolic and realistic at the same time!
My own comments:
The ceramic hands symbolize Jermey’s relationship with Ian, and how now Jermey is more open toward being loved. The first time Jeremy made the hand, it had needles in it. But on chapter 86, the hand is without a needles: this shows how Jermey is now able to love Ian without hurting anymore, and that now he’s more open to being emotionally vulnerable (open to being loved). Furthermore, since the hand is holding hands with another hand, it symbolizes the love between Jeremy and Ian, and does show that now they are in a relationship or will be in time (but maybe not a traditional relationship).
Also, Ian says that he will “monopolize” and “embrace” Jeremy as a “winter celebration” every year. This shows that their relationship has not completely ended, and I doubt that if Ian had a girlfriend, she would allow him to “embrace” someone else. Moreover, the page says! “How often does LOVE go back and forth between the threshold of life and death”. And as Mongolia said, death is symbolized by September and November when Jermey is away, while life is symbolized by December when Jermey is with Ian as a “winter celebration”.
Lastly, I agree with whoever said Jermey might have said “girlfriend” because of jealousy. If we look at the page in context, Ian says “We had a huge fight in summer, didn’t we?”, and Jermey replies while blushing “That’s because you tried to force your girlfriend to buy my pieces.” Jermey is clearly flustered, and as we all know, Jermey is rarely honest about his feelings to Ian. Even if Ian has a girlfriend (which I doubt), I don’t think it will ever be serious or on the level he has with Jermey. Both Jermey and Ian is going to be connected for their whole lives, no matter what. Other people won't even compare.
2018-11-20 12:42 marked

From Haga personal Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/_haga_nom/status/1053658879261782016/photo/1
2018-10-26 19:07 marked
for Yarichin Bitch Club fan.
for Yarichin Bitch Club fan.
2018-10-17 15:04 marked
I'm so happy !!! Cus i've found the hottest blcd of LEVI X EREN YAY YEET *thinks how lewd she is*
I'MMA SHARE MY HAPPINESS WITH YA'LL : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pAkwsNUeY8
I'MMA SHARE MY HAPPINESS WITH YA'LL : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pAkwsNUeY8
2018-08-09 15:27 marked
"That's one small step for Heejae, one giant leap for mankind" -Neil Yaois...