Scooby Doo want to do ( All 2 )

martial arts training get a tattoo

Scooby Doo's experience ( All 5 )

about stalking
My two underclassmen friends and I followed our school librarian home because we randomly wanted to know where he lived. We didn't go all the way to where he lived, but we learned it was in walking distance in the neighborhood outside school, and that he walks really, REALLY fast. We tried to take pics like private detectives, hahaha ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
05 07,2016
Scooby Doo
27 06,2016
All the fanfictions I've made up of my friends in high school (mostly guys with each other hahahaha). My best one was of my friends in ASL class senior year (I knew them before that, since marching band) who were BFFs and had practically every class together that year except 6th. I only let ONE person read it, and it is my best friend who doesn’t......   reply
27 06,2016
I enjoy concerts so much. It may sound weird, but what I enjoy most is the mosh pit-- it's like the heat and energy just radiates, the noise, the lights, the voices, and screams-- everyone is hyped and having a good time.   1 reply
21 05,2016
Thanks to all the mangakas who deliver great stories, even though I'm sure they have to deal with the criticisms of others who won't understand. Thanks to all the brave male voice actors for being dedicated enough to give all of us ladies and gents nosebleeds, lol. Thanks to the scan teams that devote time to translate the works and even the freaki......   reply
13 05,2016
The best thing I've done all year is go to San Francisco for Spring break. It has been a while since then but I felt the need to write about it now. It was practically unplanned, but I just felt the need to get away for a while, so one friday I bought Greyhound tickets and on Sunday after work I hopped on the bus and went north. I traveled through ......   1 reply
06 05,2016

Scooby Doo's answer ( All 9 )

Age 20, I am African-American. I am a college student, 2nd year. I live in Costa Mesa. I am non-binary, pan-ace. So BL: I stumbled across it when I was like 11 or 12. It was an OVA of Koisuru Boukun. I had no idea what yaoi was or that the word existed, but I knew of hentai so I called it "gay hentai". It was an off-and-on type thing, it it took me......   reply
28 01,2017
In terms of volumes I have: 11 volumes of yaoi 15 volumes of shounen ai And one gay-themed novel called "The Book of David" I am saving up for several more volumes, and I'm thinking of buying some eBooks. Most of my books came from Amazon, but I got 2 volumes of shounen ai and the novel from Barnes & Noble. I got the "Legal Drug" omnibus from a man......   reply
11 09,2016
The best way would be with someone that you fully trust (typically it's a lover, but yeah). Find someone that you're comfortable communicating with (because that's what the first time is all about) and do foreplay. There is no rule book on who your first time should be with, but when it comes to the doing it the best way is with someone you know. ......   reply
12 07,2016
I loathe yaoi with ultra femme ukes. With a passion. Just the ones that take on the awful stereotyical female persona: those helpless, fragile creatures who must be "pure" and are always taken advantage of. Wow, no. And ones with the ditzy characters, as well. And the super weak-willed, passive ukes also irk me. Ones that have bisexual erasure or......   2 reply
14 06,2016
Uh... SAO is one. It was so damn boring, I'm sorry. It reminded me somewhat of this old cartoon (French cartoon) Code Lyoko, and that's why I tried to watch at first. But it tried too hard to be a psychilogical theme with all the dramatics and death, and the sudden abundance of romances were off putting. Not muc to say about SAO because it hardly ......   3 reply
08 06,2016

Scooby Doo's question ( All 3 )

Oh my gosh, I have xD
Like, it was the greatest thing I did my senior year. They're best friends (both guys) since elementary, had almost every class together that year... they were adorable. Anywho, it was a smut scene. The first sentence went something like this:
"Their first kiss was electric."
And my best friend (girl) read it xD
04 09,2016
I have, haha.
It seemed to go well at first, but yeah... he started avoiding me when he learned I still liked him during our senior year. He was a close friend...
28 05,2016
To be honest, yeah I have. I've read things as intense as Yamane and Zaria's work on my phone out in public... with the straightest face. (Though I do turn my phone inward a little and glance around to see if anyone is peeking, haha).
09 05,2016