I remember when I was riding the bus to school I saw these two guys sitting across from each other in the back (where I was). This guy had a video playing real loud (I'll call him Guy A) and Guy B asked him what it was and they got to talking. Then Guy A went to sit over where B was and he was showing him videos on his phone and talking about weird conspiracy theories while cracking jokes.
At first I thought they were friends from the way they were talking, but as Guy B was getting off the bus he asked A for his name and they exhanged numbers and stuff and oh my god it was sooo cute. It made me imagine an entire BL plot for the rest of that ride.

It's gotten to the point with manga and BL novels, especially the novels, that I just feel the need to pick up Japanese. It would be nice to get the original publication of a work in its original language. Granted, I was learning before (or trying to) the couple years I was a QC'er (in high school...so almost 2-3 years ago ( ̄∇ ̄")).
But those couple years of on and off studying did not really help, since my Japanese... is more like "crapanese".

Haha :) yeah I have to learn eventually too

I'm kind of bored of Netflix at this point, and all on my feed on Facebook I've been getting short clips of K-dramas and whatnot. So... dies anyone know any websites where I can just find any? (I've already tried Netflix).

http://kissasian.com/ i only know this
i hope i helped because i don't watch that


So... I should be writing the next chapter to my fanfic... but I have writer's block. And I've been on Netflix and playing Dramatical Murder for the past 3 days to get out of the funk, but it's not helping. ( ̄へ ̄)
Like, it's been a month since the last chapter! Writer's block is soo painful, guys. I need inspiration, so just random yaoi recommendations?

Try writing an outline of how you want the story to go, and it does not need to be written all in order. Or try writing some one-shots - often they can end up being thematic enough to forge into a larger story. There is one author on AO3 I can recommend reading - who writes some of the most well crafted stories multi-chapter stories (mostly not smut though, just great stories) I have ever read (fandoms are Marvel Universe/Stargate/Merlin) but some of my friends who write say that her writing is inspirational - here is a link - my fave is The Search for Victory. http://archiveofourown.org/users/Morena_Evensong/pseuds/Morena_Evensong

I don't know any authors in your preferred fandom, but there are some amazing ones in others, one of the best writes Fullmetal Alchemist stories: http://archiveofourown.org/users/BeautifulFiction_FMA/pseuds/BeautifulFiction_FMA

So I've got some things in mind, and I don’t know where else to go for this, but I brought this here because the people here are usually cool and supportive. So, me right now: I'm at work hiding in the bathroom in the midst of an anxiety attack. Like, an actual anxiety attack: feeling of dread, heart beat increasing, about to cry type of deal.
I don't know, a lot of crazy crap happened these past few weeks: 1.) I left my shitty family and now I'm crashing at a friend's place while looking for a place to rent, but I feel like a burden and what's more I keep thinking of how much they probably don't want me to be there; 2.) I've dropped two classes that I loved taking this semester (Chem and Chinese) just so I can start working full time and overnights at my job to get a place; 3.) I don't even know if the place I want to rent will actually go through, so I've gotta prepare for the possibility of being completely homeless.
Like jeez... what am I doing with my life? I barely started adulthood and it feels like I'm already fucking everything up. What is there if I can hardly cope right now? I just don't know...

Im sorry about your situation and i pray that you overcome this obstacle. In regards to your friend why dont you tell them what you feel? about you staying there and about what your thoughts are.
Miscommunication often leads to misunderstandings and unwanted arguments.
dont give up please keep on walking you can get there.

i know it's hard, but please don't give up. it will be alright, you are working, you go to college... there is worse, it will get better.
like they said talk to your friend about this situation, try to work out with them, and i know it's hard but be optimistic, don't lose hope.
we are here for you if you want to talk

Just tell your friend how you feel. If you just sit down and tell them what's going on and how you feel, that will better help them understand the situation. If you don't speak up, no one will hear you.
You should see if you can find a roommate. I think that'll make it easier to find a place. Try and see if you can find a friend to move in with you, that way living expenses will be half and half and you don't have to work so much and you can take those two classes that you enjoy.
Life is a struggle. Sometimes you'll fall down a couple of times, but you have to keep getting back up. Eventually it will all work out. It may be hard right now, but just give it some time love. :)

Take some deep breaths and think, you have a job. That is a positive. you start to make your life from this point, talk to your friend. find out how long you can crash there. Can you get housing on campus in the dorm?(emergency situation). look around for fin. aid for college cost. there are other ways to cont. class. and you can still get credit for it. esp. Chin. (ON line can be cheaper). Chem. also. You can do this will not be easy I know bec. I got thru. college with little or no family help. 16 hour weekend job is no joke, Ive done them.No breaks, parties, ect. no life, you study and you work. every thing I went through was worth it. I never want to eat another can of soup again. I am posting this to let you know you can do it, you are not alone, others have done it already. you can do it too. I hope this helps you. good luck.

Yay, spring break! After a week and weekend of school and work, I FINALLY can begin my vacation, like right now I'm waiting for a bus to take me to San Francisco for some fun times. Uwah, I'm so excited!!! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

youre on spring break already!!? lucky! i still have 2 more weeks!

Lucky both of you because Im going back to school tomorrow after FINISHING my spring break. *cries* I don't want it to endddd

me too~ im gonna prepare my luggage for vacay now (〜 ̄3 ̄)〜

Okay, so my guy friend (who is totally straight) might have become a fudanshi due to my influence...
Although this would be the greatest feat of my entire youth to have someone who also likes yaoi and that I know in real life, I'm pretty sure I'm just living on false hopes. Though honestly I have flaunted my love for BL for the few years I've known him (and had him read a work with me, LOL), so there are reasons, things like:
Him: "Hey, Crimson Spell updated."
Me: "Oh awesome! Wait... how do you know?"
Him: "Oh. It showed that it updated on the homepage."
Me: "Oh, okay ^.^"
Me: *shows him Old Xian drawing*.
Him: "That's 19 Days."
Me: "No, you derp, it's Mosspaca-- hold up, how do YOU know about 19 Days?"
Him: "...I've read it."
Me: "What do you think? *sparkly fangirl eyes*"
Him: "So boring! I was just waiting for them to kiss and get over it."
Me: "Eh?! Dude, it's shounen ai."
Him: "Still gay, though."
Me: "..."
Yep. He's built an interest, lol.

Okay, so...
Anyone here that's LGBT or at least an ally? Such a random question, I know, but like...
For those that are, how does it feel when you read a BL or GL work and the mangaka actually throws in a REAL interpretation of what it's like to be gay, to realize that you are, etc.? For me it's awesome, because it's like there's something to relate to inside of the fantasy, and that's always nice (which I guess is why I love slice-of-life so much).

Well I'm bi and have been having troubles with it for years, afraid of coming out and everything (now more people know, but I still have to hide it from most people and I also never confessed to the girl I've been having a crush on for 3 years XS)
Anyway, yeah I LOVE those kind of manga. Sice-of-life manga are just my favourite.
Look, it's been a long time since I read this and I forgot most of the details so work with me, please:
So like, Boy A has a crazy mom who is obsessed with keeping him near her at all times (she got issues, man). There's Boy B who is haunted by this woman who was his neighbor and was being abused by her boyfriend or whoever, and I think she was murdered (or it was implied). Boy B is thinking about leaving town, and he asks Boy A to come with him. Boy A lies to his mom and says it's some sort of trip for school (?), so then the two boys run off together and take the train to the beach, where they meet and hang out with these girls and while they're there they starting falling in love or whatever. When they get back, the crazy ass mom tries to strangle her son (he lives, though, and it's a happy ending).
I'm pretty sure it's this: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/koi_no_mannaka/