The most painful moment ever in this manhua.
Even though it's fiction, this really hurts in the worst of ways because I can relate sooo much to this. It sucks, to do or say something that feels so irreversable and want to just start all over.
Why does this have to feel so familiar? I really can't... :(

Man, 35 long, LONG chapters, and finally a happy ending.
To think so much was dedicated to just seeing them only get married and live happily ever after. Please, author-sama... do not torture us like this again, lol.

I don't see how it was easy. They died and had to go back in time to undo it. How much more should they suffer?

No, I agree, and it also felt rushed. But I think at that point the author was like "meh, forget it"; I mean she spent over 30 chapters on this roller coaster/trainwreck and we all pretty much said we couldn't stand another five chapters, lol. At this point, I'll take whatever she gives for tue ending, but this series was WAAAYYY too long and dragged out.

Although at first the title left me apprehensive, I really enjoyed this one. I always had a bit of a passion and allure to piercings, so seeing how Harada-sensei mixed it in with some ero scenes I was entranced. It is absolute erotica for the enthusiasts of body mods like these. Gosh, I really love piercings ^.^

Awww this is great, the fluff is something so out of left field for this author. Ending was happy-- Yata, the strong, caring, sensitive seme is now one of my favorite semes. And kawaii Momo was rehabilitated.
I don't really feel bad for Suda; he kinda reaped what he sowed, especially for how he used his (ex) wife, but I like his yandere side.

Everythung about the manga is absolutely touching-- the tragedy and romance, especially the ending and even the extras to the story... even with the emotion it brings, it also has the greatest feeling of satisfaction after you've read it all.
I honestly have never cried as much while reading a manga, even thinking about it makes my eyes almost fill with tears.
I died at the end; holy crap... rumors can be so vicious xD