I like Kenji's roommate Akira, honestly. I feel like he does care for Kenji as a friend. He stuck up for Kenji when he could've stayed quiet so I fucks with him heavy. But for real I need an entire background story on what happened with their friendship in elementary school.
P.S., somebody drop kick that ableist blonde guy.

I really liked this manga, especially the loan shark story... idk, I really love stories where one or both of the main characters become parents or parental figures and I would have liked to have seen the characters interact with the kid more. The loan shark chapter could've been it's own series tbh ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I honestly don't know how to feel right now-- hyung seems mad shady, but Hyunwoo has literally shown no interest in Subin... though I honestly like hyung more.
(P.S., I really like Yeona noona. I love how she isn’t represented as an "obstacle" but as an actual character, and a sassy one too. It's nice to see)

I personally would like it if Kazuomi didn't end up with either of them. I mean, he doesn't like sex but the only reason he's doing it is because he wants to pursue his dreams to be a pro baseball player. Sure, Kadota likes Kazuomi, and Tendou loves Kadota, and both Alphas are screwing Kazuomi, but we can't say Kazuomi likes either of them. But I would ultimitely be cool with the possibilities of:
1. Tendou and Kadota ending up together if Kazuomi leaves (because I love the "childhood friends become lovers" trope. Sue me), or
2. All three becoming quasi-life partners (a.k.a threesome. I like that idea. Again, sue me.)
But yeah, as long as it ends with Kazuomi being happy and it's nicely done, then it's fine.

No, the uke is not "falling in love" with the seme.
When it reads "We're both falling in love", it does not mean with one another; what it means is that they both are in the situation where they fell for someone but the love is unrequited. Shouta isn’t in love with Kuraki, but he understands what it feels like to have feelings for someone that aren't reciprocated. He can't remember his unrequited love's face because all he can think of is the pitiful face made by Kuraki and probably how he understands that feeling.
That's what the story is about. It's not a rape = love story at all; it's a story about how we can have feelings for someone and they won't be fulfilled.
There's no chance they'll get the person they want. There's no happy ending.
That's why it ended the way it did.

well that's one dreary analysis. I don't like how you sound so sure of yourself on the "rape-euals-love" idea. What I see is that Kuraki's reactions were so heart-breaking that I think there's a good chance the uke will change his mind. Come on, that shirashi guy looked like a big overgrown nerd. Too old for the uke. It's easy to get over that kind of crush when you're faced with someone who looks at you the way kuraki looked at the uke. I think you should look at some of the hints that might lead you into a better direction for enjoying this story. Seeing it your way, I don't think there's a whole lot of enjoyable reading to be had here, just some boring old theme.

Yeah so this is like a month old reply but here we go.. you may not "like" the idea of me saying it's not a rape = love story, but that was to address a lot of comments where people are getting riled up because they think that's how the story ends (quite a few people were pissed, I mean). I really don't understand how it would be "dreary" or a "boring old theme", considering that R = L has been done so many times it's about as cliche as "love at first sight". It may be a "dreary analysis", but it's my analysis, and to be honest I have no problem with anyone believing otherwise, but I think it would have much more meaning if it was like I'm inferring it is ( when you consider the method of storytelling and the atmosphere of the work). So there.

LOL. well i guess you told me, didn't you?! I looked at my reply and decided that I could have been more polite. I didn't realize it at the time because I have a terrible personality. LOL I don't like existentialist endings. They hurt my feelings, and while I used to like a story that ended with a statement on the human condition, I don't anymore. I think I've probably read too many of that kind of story literature certainly favors that kind. I'd rather see the story end on a happy, hopeful note. Also, I get sick to death of seeing people get preachy - I don't mean you - on the rape, non-consent issue. I don't mind rape fantasies. They're normal. People who bitch so much and want there to be no more rape non-consent stories would be the same people griping when the yaoi treasure trove of stories grew thinner and thinner. I wish they'd shut up and apply their preaching to real life where real victims could benefit from the energy they expend yakking and being self-righteous. I suppose that this story might be ambiguous enough for two people to see it two different ways. thanks for the reply. I enjoyed reading it.

Seriously, the other person did show you. I mean your major gripe is that the crop will be thinned if the rape and non consent is removed from these stories? If not, then why was it so difficult to believe that people who complained about it in the first place would be HAPPY to see the cliched storylines sacrificed if they were going to receive better QUALITY. I know I would. Hmmm. But I guess that's just something that is ANATHEMA to you.
If you're so concerned about YOUR stock of entertainment disappearing but never concerned about the vanishing range of material that rape victims THEMSELVES might have been able to enjoy (and, yes, rape victims do like to read too, my naive little sweetcheeks), that also makes you one entitled pos.
This isn't rape fantasy. You have seriously little understanding of bdsm if you think that's what is being portrayed, here. BDSM incorporates rape fantasy. BDSM is all about consent. NONE of which was ever even implied here. Ktbn.

I will give you an A for using "anathema" in a sentence. LOL. Did you say that you think the quality will improve if the "bad stuff" is silenced? Your thinking sounds a little off. I'm pretty sure there's not an equal exchange rate there.
How do you know whether or not I'm a rape victim? and don't use sweet-sounding, loving terms to be hateful to someone. It's low.
I don't know what an "entitled pos" is. jeez. what is a pos?
LOL on me having a little understanding of bdsm. omg. Don't say that kind of stuff unless you're willing to be made a complete fool of. You do not know me that well.
Crop-thinning was not my major gripe, idiot.
My man Duk Hwa made it!!!! Against all odds he made it and I'm so happy. I want him to prosper along with everyone else at the talent agency.
Noooooo! I meant a thumbs up, but I hit the thumbs down! ╥﹏╥
Haha it's okay xD