Some months ago, following advices written on the comments of a manga on this site, I started reading a novel (not a manga so, sorry about that) about a young mage going to a magic school (or academy), and ended up being bonded to the "guardian" of the school, a griffon with green crystal wings. He made 2 friends, a girl from a mountain fire tribe and a girl from a renown family controlling storms. There were also a sea of sand with boats sailing on it, a city in the middle of the desert controled by a dragon, ...
Does that story ring a bell anyone ??
Impossible to remember the charcters names, or if it's a webnovel or a epub. I'm wrecking my mind looking for it everywhere on internet !!!
HELP ╥﹏╥
Help ! I'm looking for a specific manga I read a few years ago. I have very few memories of it : a boy/man is reincarnated/transported in another universe inside the body of a frail and beautiful (kinda girly) young man. Long black hairs, fight with a stick I think...
Ring a bell ??
Anyone ?
Je pense que c'est un manga plutôt orienté arts martiaux que Yaoi mais pas sûre. Je me souviens que quand il transmigre il atterrit en haut d'une falaise ou un précipice et que des gens (combattants ?) arrivent sur les lieux juste après. Il est armé d'une épée ou d'un baton de combat il me semble. Je me souviens aussi de son apparence fragile et quasi féminine, petite stature. Pfff, c'est loin et je ne me souviens que de quelques images éparses... ça m'énerve de ne pas me rappeler.
I said earlier that it was gonna be a warzone... between Yuuto's rape and Choker's death, it's not gonna turn pretty...