I don't know how to react..I mean the vampire knew Akito since he was a kid right...does that mean...No No!! And the whole sex slave thing is really making feel like I'm watching psychological Bl. But it's still look like a good one and I like the uke (kind of) and I want to know if he will be eliminated or not..even though he might not.
Wait they the new chapters down...does that mean...idk what it means.
I’ve decided to drop it and continue my work on other translations.
I have not had any complaints before until i decided to translate this one, while only a few complained it has caused me to not feel like continuing.
If someone else who can translate wants to take over they can and if they want help cleaning and things I would be kind enough to help.
But why did you take the chapters you already translated down? You could’ve left them up and let whoever wanted to take over do a reupload or something. I didn’t get to read what you translated so I can’t speak on the quality of it, but if people were confused then maybe a reup loaf or a collaborative effort would’ve been a better approach? I’m sorry you were discouraged by the responses, but bad feedback is a part of this (or doing anything really) so just learn what you can for it and apply what you can for next time. If I knew anything other than Spanish and English I’d offer to help. I hope you continue your translations and don’t let some bad reviews discourage you any further. I wish I’d gotten to see what they were talking about to give you a more constructive review but I’m sure it wasn’t that bad and I’m sorry the reception made you drop it.
To be honest, it was a total impulse decision.
But if you would like to read the chapters i have translated someone has uploaded them to m@ngaowl (the @ is an a )
Ah ok that makes sense. And, thanks! I’ll check them out. And again, I’m sorry all that happened. I hope your day gets better
I hope that I didn't hurt you in any way, and I hope that you'd take it as constructive criticism. You didn't have to take them down though, you could've explained what you understood, or even ask for help with the translation. Despite that I respect your decisions and hope you have a great day.