It was my childhood bestfriend and lets say it got awkward real fast lmao, I haven't spoken to them in 4 years because we had a pretty bad fight and fell out of contact. Recently they messaged me asking to talk so wish me luck
I had my first love when I was in elementary school. I didn't told him that I liked him back then. I avoided to talk and look at him because I was embarassed. But for some reasons, he kept trying to speak to me until we were 12. I want to believe that maybe he was interested too (or I am just delusional aha). Anyways, I have him in my heart since t......
You have a every right to voice your opinion, but they also have a right to disagree with your opinion that's what a comment section is for. tbh you're the one who seems so sensitive you had to make this post about it. If you can't handle people disagreeing with you save yourself the stress and stop commenting.
How does it feel seeing a person you once liked and never actually forgot a...