I knew this would happen. I'm so done lmao

This have me flashbacks to a novel i read before and now i'm absolutely sick to my stomach i never wanted to remember what happened in that novel but this just gave me flashbacks i'm abouta go into a week long depressive episode again rip i'm dropping this if it weren't for this flashback istg this is what i get for reading shit thinking i can handle it when i'm actually a pussy

Aight i finished rereading all chapters out and I wanna give my very honest opinion. What Aeroc did is horrific. Yes he didn't mean for it to go THAT badly when he asked the thugs to "punish" Rapiel. But anyone with a tiny bit of critical thinking will know that anything they'd have done would've terribly hurt Rapiel. Even if he didn't die, he'd have lost his baby. Now, did Aeroc deserve to be punished for this crime? 100%. But by the police. They'd have been able to take care of his punishment whether it be life in prison or execution. The way Kloff went with the punishment was very extreme. And the story being from Aeroc's pov will inevitably make you sympathize with him. You'll end up feeling horrible because what happened to him was absolutely heinous. That being said, If i were Kloff. And someone caused my wife and unborn child to die in such a horrific way, I'd have 100% done the same. Except i'd have never felt even an ounce of remorse towards the murderer. Imagining myself finding my lover like that is absolutely horrifying. I'd do everything in my power to make the reason for my family's tragic fate live a life a thousand times worse than death. Which is what Kloff basically did. Kloff still is an asshole for other reasons but thinking about this and putting myself in his shoes, yeah i'd make Aeroc suffer too. Maybe not in the same exact way but he won't be getting an easy life that's for sure. Same with the thugs he hired

I must agree with you because what Aeroc has done to both Kloff and Rapiel is entirely insane and horrible because of Aeroc's jealousy within him. I understand the punishment that Aeroc gave to Rapiel; he should've known what would happen next, and at the end of the day, he became very apologetic and guilty for what he did when Aeroc was about to die. Hoping that in the future, he will change and fix his mistakes and let go of his hatred. As for Aeroc's second life, he can make things right by allowing Kloff to be with Rapiel, but as you can see until the end, Kloff wants to be with Aeroc and calls off the engagement with Rapiel. This was shocking for me, but at the same time, I was hoping that Aeroc and Kloff would be happy together and let the past go away.

If you haven't read the novel, you might not know that in the 3rd timeline, OG Kloff admitted he had feelings for Aeroc in the 1st timeline and felt insecure about it. In the 3rd timeline, Aeroc didn’t have his memories, and something happened during their first encounter. Aeroc, and I emphasize Aeroc, strongly rejected Kloff. But Kloff—yes, OG Kloff—still approached him. In the 3rd timeline, Kloff admitted he loves Aeroc and wanted to be with him in the next life so he could apologize and tell him that he loved HIM
Aeroc did terrible things, but in the second life, Kloff admitted that his marriage with Raphael was purely for the purpose of 'settling down.' In Kloff's monologue, he says, 'The marriage will be so peaceful that it will become boring.' So, thinking that Kloff truly loved Raphael is probably wrong. Kloff used him as a replacement because he didn’t want to engage in an alpha x alpha relationship due to prejudice.
Aeroc admitted he was wrong in the novel. His PTSD hadn’t healed, and he accepted every punishment. On the other hand, Kloff blamed Aeroc alone but purposely provoked him. I’m not taking sides, but I don’t like how Kloff's fans only criticize Aeroc and forget how much pain Aeroc went through. Even from Kloff's point of view, Aeroc's punishment feels much worse. In many novels and manhwas, antagonists either face death or lose their powers, but in Aeroc's case, it was the worst kind of life. Like I said, 'When the punishment is worse than the crime, it becomes a crime itself

@Chocopops I have found the rare sane person reading this story. I don't know what's wrong with everyone else. I couldn't read beyond the first arc because by the end of first arc, it was already clear how the story was going to go. It was obvious that they were gonna take the stance that, that scum of the earth MC is the real victim, who just made a little mistake. It was clear that the story was going to go in the direction of portraying the ML as the bad guy for loving his spouse instead of his crazy obsessed stalker and not returning his interest. They were gonna write a happy ending for the guy who least deserves it. F**er deserves a jail cell not a happy ending with ML. If he has to rehabilitated, give him a proper redemption arc, where he actually, genuinely regrets his actions, instead of minimizing his crime by excusing it as a little mistake he made because he was "in love" and didn't know any better, realises what an unforgivable sin he has committed, does time, gets therapy and goes away from the ML and his family for good and then he can restart his life in a completely new place. The only wrong thing that the ML did in the first arc is going vigilante and mob justice on that murderer shit. But, even then, that is a wrong only toward the state, the community and the greater public interest that is rule of law, not towards that MC. That murderer pos deserves no sympathy.

What are you talking about? Antagonists being subjected to a loss of freedom, a life of ignominy, subjugation, torture, losing everything that was important to them and being forced into circumstances where they'd rather be dead than alive, all this happens frequently in novels and manhwas.
In fact, I'd say manhwas being the weakest , from a story writing perspective, out of the three Ms, often write far more black and white good vs evil depictions that a manga will have and as a result often write unsympathetic villians that get some of the cruest comeuppances. If this was some female love rival who caused the MC female to be assaulted and murdered out of jealousy, and her own fate ended up being losing everything, being thrown into captivity and being tortured to death, you'd all have been cheering, talking about how "you'd do worse to that bitch" and so on. Where's that stance now?
Is it just the sexual assault that gets you? In that case, get yourself out of the patriarchal nonsense that sexual assault is the worst kind of attack one can suffer because there is no greater shame and trauma than being a sexual assault victim. Sexual assault is just as horrible, no more no less, than other categories of physical assault. If someone gets kidnapped and beaten up black and blue for months and months, they won't come out of it any better off than if they were sexually assaulted instead during their captivity. Sexual assault in this story is just a form of torture as punishment. Think of other stories where horrendous pieces of shit end up being subjected to grievous physical assault and torture at the hands of their vengeful victims and how you feel about that then.
Vigilantism is bad for society, for law and order because it sets a dangerous precedent. Even if you are a hundred percent sure of an accused's guilt, even if you know they are nothing but a monster, taking law and order in your own hand and devolving to mob justice is wrong because it puts society on a really precarious edge from where things could quickly spiral down into punishment without trial, rule of punitive mob justice, medieval level mockery of justice instead of constitutionally state driven compensatory and rehabilitative justice that respects a citizen's rights and dignity. So, even if someone is a monster beyond any shred of doubt, going vigilante on them for revenge should still be tried as a crime against the state and punished accordingly to make sure people aren't easily tempted to take law into their own hands at every sign of trouble, but morally, in the court of public opinion, I don't think anyone should feel bad about a horrible person getting what they deserved.

First, for your opinion, you could just start a comment—you don’t have to dig out old comments just to get your 'this person deserves it' point across. I don’t even know at what point you want someone to serve . Yes, Kloff is a saint in your eyes, so be it. No one here is saying Aeroc is right, but you're being so insensitive about this. Everyone agrees Aeroc was wrong, but Kloff repeatedly raped him—he was assaulted even when he was pregnant. He lost everything. Only death was left, and even that was taken away from him.but he did got the brutal death
If you just want to argue, go ahead. But if your goal is to prove we’re insensitive and you’re the righteous one. Take the while continuing to say Aeroc deserved this, yet portraying Kloff as a saint.
I honestly want to know, at what point do you think it’s enough? Repeated assaults by Kloff and those three men? Assault while pregnant? Beating? Starvation? Isolation? Being the target of others' abuse? At what point do you think the punishment should stop?
You say Aeroc should leave Kloff alone—he did. In his second and third lives, Aeroc rejected him. Kloff could have moved on with his life, but instead, Kloff chased after him.

Finally finished reading the novel so here i am rereading the manhwa. This is definitely the best adaptation i have read of a novel. Every other manhwa/hua skip so many details that It's not as enjoyable. This one is allergic to skipping anything which is just chef's kiss.
Though now that i know how much plot is left, this will probably be completed in like 3 years with the current pace of updating and hiatus'
Oh okay so he wasn't off the hypnosis he was just hypnotized to think that what they're doing is okay. Aight i'm finally starting to understand what's going on here
This makes so much sense because I was also lost for awhile. So happy to see that I wasn't the only one and that was the intended feelings
This makes so much sense because I was also lost for awhile. So happy to see that I wasn't the only one and that it was the intended feelings