edaquate created a topic of High Clear

i've certainly read (and still read) MUCH worse so i won't act like this is making me gag BUTTTTTT was this really necessary? Why was he jealous anyway?

edaquate created a topic of Within My Shadow

I hate Sehan. I hate Chaon. Why the hell am I even reading this still?

edaquate created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Habibi doesn't deserve this level of love and loyalty.....but Haru genuinely cares for her so it's a good thing that his bride is willing to give him what he silently wants. One of the best couples to ever appear in BL imo

edaquate created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I wanna hate his guts but get lost in his eyes every time and just can't.......if an asshole, why hawt?

edaquate created a topic of Come and Take!

Does mr kang even really LIKE haejin? Hear me out: i believe he values haejin's talents so much that he lets him has his way with him just so haejin doesn't quit and leave again. If the author wants us to think these two are in love and it's not just platonic on haejin's part.....they aren't doing a very good job lmao

edaquate created a topic of Popping Candy


edaquate created a topic of Beasts of Desire

Like.....what IS even the plot at this point? I'm kinda lost. I feel like they're all terrible people who wanna fuck the red head.

edaquate created a topic of Shinsujeon


edaquate created a topic of Jinx

When will Jaekyung start acting like a normal human being is the question on everyone's mind

edaquate created a topic of Arthur

Not sure who loves the other more here...Arthur or Silas?

edaquate created a topic of Abnormal Rommate

I need this relationship to progress a bit faster, my god, it's been 84 years.....


Aiden turned out to be such a wonderful boyfie, I didn't expect this much from him

edaquate created a topic of Cry Me a River

Feel like I'll get the second-couple-syndrome with this story as well...

edaquate created a topic of Beyond Memories

this story gives me such butterflies, it's magnificent.

edaquate created a topic of Red Mansion

You're a goner for mini-mart at this point, don't kid yourself :)

edaquate created a topic of Love Sick Dog

This story genuinely surprised me with how careful it is with the storytelling, with the issues it portrays and how gentle it is with all the characters. Realistic and beautiful.

edaquate created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

RANT INCOMING: What a self-righteous prick T is...he acted all high and mighty looking for H's mother's killer, as if he didn't already know it was his own mother and even after proving it's really her...he lets go. She beats up cancer and he STILL isn't doing anything for justice. He is a piece of work. H is unstable but he is this way BECAUSE of T and his family. Cruel people...destroying a young man's life, his psyche, and then acting like they're better than him. Despicable. I hope H can take his revenge on ALL of them next season.

edaquate created a topic of Yours to Claim

Even as a Yahwi fangirl, this ending is just weird to me. Anyways. End the story already!!!

edaquate created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

finally a man who doesn't act like an animal. that other dude is DISSSSGUSTING

edaquate created a topic of Jinx

he really is just a piece of shit. dan needs to leave that house immediately.