When ur boyfriend plays with ur boobs or suck on them, does it feel good? Is it supposed to feel good?
For me, i don't feel anything when my boyfriend does it. I feel like they over exaggerate it too much in porn. Also im not very used to the stimulation because me and bf don't meet up often or have private space to us because we are in long distance.

So im 16 female and in 10th grade. This started all the way back in my ninth grade. During the last months, I used to see a guy every single day otw scl and otw home. I used to see him every day and we would always atleast take one glance of each other. Initially i thought he was a year above me. But when i became a 10th grader, i was kinda sad with the thought of not being able to see him anymore. It turns out to be that hes a year below me.Σ(  ̄□ ̄||). But i saw him again. I never talked to him and i don't even know his name. During the first half of the school year, we saw each other every day. I started noticing him in school as well. Whenever he passed by the hall i just knew it was him and i had peek thru the windows. We always locked eyes. As time passed,i could sense him getting closer and closer to me. After the midterm break, i saw him in my class talking to one of my classmate( with whom im not in good terms with.)He had this kinda sad look when he left my class and after that i couldn't see him as often. Neither in school nor outside. I was kinda sad but then again we had a project going on and i was busy and going home late. After the project ended, i realized he wasn't going out in school either. It was kinda sad but it never bothered me. Recently i have been seeing him more and we lock eyes even more. I have never talked to this guy and to this day idk his name. Yet we have this chemistry. I have not told any of my friends because it seems so irrelevant . What is this???? I don't have any feelings for him. But what is this tension we have??? I have never dated anyone and have had only one crush that was years ago and has faded. What do you guys think

Personnally i call that aethetic attraction. It's very stimulating when it's mutual !! :-) _ yes life is full of mysteries ;-) attraction is one big mystery. _ it all depends if you are both curious and want to check if something else is going on. It's hard to know if there is real compatibility from a distance. Like do you have good intelectual / emotionnal / spiritual chemistry ? Would your ideas of a good time be compatible ? _ physical chemistry is also a mystery. Personnally i had that kind of mutual chemistry in the distance and then i got to know the guy something like 3 years after outside of the public eye, and we had a blast and no in the endwe are not compatible it the long run, because our libido levels are completely different and that just doesn't work for us to be a couple. But i mean, this person can still be important and have a positive influence in the distance, sometimes symbolic gestures really helps boost the self esteem and it's good to know someone find that we are cute or pretty (and smell good or something). _ i don't know , do you want a girlfriend/boyfriend ? _ personnally years later i still cherish the time when we sat together in a cinema and the time i had waited for him at the end of the schoolday to wish him happy birthday. Those two times we talked together while walking to his house / while waiting for the film and the way he looked at me and the way he responded to what i was saying gave me a boost of self esteem. t's called masculine / _feminine validation, it's great to experience that, to be brave and to be authentic in front of someone of the opposite sex (for hetero) _ i don't know if there is room for romance in your life, personnally i needed to keep my imaginary bubble intact as a teen. My feelings about that episode of my life is very well summed up in the song '' precious illusions '' by Alanis Morrissette. I wanted the dream and not the reality at that time, i wanted.to keep him as a good memory of that two times we met and talked together. (I was not ready for dating and i didn't know what i wanted with him so it was just perfect that way.) I would say it's like a rite of passage to at least talk once with someone that makes your heart beating fast !!

I would try to find a window of opportunity for some quality time rather than saying '' i like you '' when you just don't know each others. There is also something nice about the flirting style that consist in experimenting with the 5 languages of love. And that can create opportunities. (Like offering a candy or a drink or a compliment about something the person did and truly has chosen..) I mean have fun with it !! :-) _ it's fun to have a crush on someone. _ Also when i have a crush and i don't intent to do anything about it (that is one of the available and valid choices !!) i like to watch fun comedic videos on the experience of crushing (i 100% recommend '' Buzzfeed violet + crush '' on YouTube ') i mean it's also conforting and enjoyable to learn to laugh about it (the shiness and the momentary awkwardness of it all.) _ personnally i recommend not to rush but see if spending a little bit of quality time together would be something you want!

So , are you both looking at each other and locking eyes but never started a sign convsersation, like hand gestures or winking or something ? _ i imagine the silent gaze lol. _ i mean if i saw this in a video clip i would be tempted to add dialogue like '' saw you !! Ha haaa i saw you.!! Still watching !! I am watching !! GOT YOU !!! :-D and flincking the index, you know ?? :-D
What did u find on ur boyfriends phone that left u traumatized. I wanna know about other women's experiences.
Pic of him with a gun, video of him and his brother with a girl(threesome Ig) and I think drugs ?
We broke up afterwards because these kind of things make me uncomfortable
Did you ever confront him about it?
Yeah, and he said I just wanted to break up with him and that I didn’t trust him. I replied, ‘Bro, I saw it with my own eyes. Just don’t give me your password if you know you’ve got stuff like that on your phone.’ And I didn’t even ask for his password he was the one who suggested it, on the condition that I gave him mine in return.
That guy's an Asshole
Yes he is