So now mielle is imprisoned in her room, the count is in a coma, and Cain is desperately (and failing) to manage the household and its finances. Lady isis is angry and plans to get mielle out of her house, there are also rumours that she is getting married to a prince of a different empire which is true but also false at the same time. So mielle escapes with the help of Isis and they make there way to the empire Isis is going to marry into. They meet the prince (white haired dude from the new cover) and Mielle starts to take an interest in him and become a little flirty and Isis is pissed lololol. So they plan their rebellion against the empire (the one they’re from) where they plan to dethrone the current emperor and Asher and crown themselves (isis and white hair) on the top. They think their plan is going smoothly but the truth is somebody has been leaking the entire plan and everyone involved back to Asher. Also during this isis has people from the white hair dudes empire who want to join in the rebellion living in the different houses of nobles who are also on lady isis’s side, including the counts house because Cain knows about it but he’s not doing anything to stop it or telling anyone. There’s some drama starting to brew up because of the finances and the houses are starting to go broke (except for aria because she’s living off of her own money, she’s still in the house though).
So the rebellion day comes and they’re all prepared ready but they end up getting ambushed and arrested along with all the noble houses who were lady isis’s side and those living there. Everyone except for of course Aria, her mom, and all the staff. And the white haired prince because it turns out he was friends with Asher and this was there plan the whole time, that’s why he got engaged to Isis and put up with mielle’s annoying flirting.
So another trial and more guilty people. They are easily found guilty and sent to prison and are going to be executed. Cain isn’t going to be executed since he didn’t directly help and instead he’s being downgraded to a paper boy. Aria and her mom buy and move to a different house and bring all the staff with them. Also this dude from the white hair empire comes and greets them because he was also helping thwart the rebellion and he ends up being aria’s true father, so him and her mom starts to go on dates and it’s super cute.
At prison all the nobles are still falsely hoping that lady isis or mielle will help them (because of her connection to aria) and aria does end up bailing mielle out but she has to be a maid working for her. So mielle is a maid now and she’s being super fussy and complains to Aria who babies her and spoilers her all so mielle can feel overconfident and stupid. (Forgot to mention because my memories a bit blurry but by now I’m pretty sure Isis and the other nobles have been executed, don’t remember exactly when but it happens around this time and they do show it because aria attends the execution) So while mielle is staying at aria’s new house she finds out that her mom (arias mom) has been going on dates with a man and is furious because she’s “cheating on her dad”, her anger doesn’t really lead to anywhere as far as I remember.
Now to the fun part (again). So remember how Mielle sucked at being a maid and was being fussy about it? Well one of Arias lady in waiting (the greedy but cute red head one) ended up lowkey bullying mielle and even aria thought it was going a bit too far. Yeah well aria uses mielle grudge against red head and tells her that she should poison her during tea time and gives her the poison. So mielle agrees but what she doesn’t know is that aria invited Cain over (he’s a paper boy now remember) and when mielle puts the poison in the cup they all suddenly stand up to greet Cain and he ends up sitting where the red head was sitting before and drinks the poisoned tea. Mielle is accused and found guilty (again) and is sentenced to be executed.
So Cain is dead, mielle is dead, and honestly I don’t remember what happened with the count. I know that he was like half awake and found out about mielle pushing him and his wife leaving him for her true love but idk if he’s alive or not by the end of the story.
Yeah so Aria and Asher get married and happy ending!!! If I remember more I will add to here!
2021-06-30 23:07 marked
2021-04-05 08:01 marked
spoiler: I know most of you are impatient so here you go!!